Ulcerative colitis is a serious condition involving inflammation, ulceration, and bleeding of the colon. It’s regarded as an auto-immune requirement for which traditional medicine has no cure. The man or woman is usually given steroids and other medications to control flare-ups and bleeding. The only cure conventional medicine has is to eliminate someone’s colon.
Did you know?
This disease can be minor with intermittent flare-ups, or severe and debilitating. The internal bleeding can lead to severe anemia. The diarrhea can lead to a loss of fluids and electrolytes. The pain from intestinal spasms can be intense. It may get to the stage that a person doesn’t need to eat for fear of the pain and the difficulties they have as a result of ulcerative colitis. There are a variety of natural ways to control and manage this disease, and even potentially put it into remission.
To start with, there are ways of regulating the immune system and reducing its inclination to make inflammation without using steroids. Steroids may have numerous side effects, particularly used long term for a chronic condition such as this. They can lead to bone loss, water retention, severe insomnia, psychosis (means you go mad), and impairment of organs. Researchers are also looking into the possibility that the euphoric high some folks get from steroids such as prednisone can cause psychological dependency.
Take note
A range of essential fatty acids and enzymes can decrease the inflammatory reaction of the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and in flaxseed oil. This has been demonstrated to be beneficial for those who have all kinds of auto-immune ailments including ulcerative colitis.
Another fatty acid is known as cetyl-myristolate, also known as CMO. CMO has been used successfully to treat numerous auto-immune ailments, including ulcerative colitis. One enzyme that looks promising for treating ulcerative colitis is serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is excellent for handling the pain and reducing inflammation in the colon, and in different areas of the body.
Certain vitamins are useful for ulcerative colitis. Highest on the list is vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to modulate the immune system’s reaction and decrease inflammation. Sublingual B-vitamin complex may also be beneficial. The B-vitamins will help the nervous system, reducing a negative reaction to anxiety, which is frequently the source of people’s flare-ups.
Pectin and liquid soluble fiber have been shown to be helpful in controlling ulcerative colitis, and preventing flare-ups. Many individuals have found that colloidal silver, taken regularly, can place their ulcerative colitis in remission. The extended chain mucilaginous polysaccharides found in aloe vera gel, made from the inner leaf of the aloe vera plant, can cure the harm and the ulcerations formed in the colon in a flare-up of ulcerative colitis.
The Chinese herbal formula, Jianpiling, has been used on over 10,000 individuals in China with ulcerative colitis. It’s been proven to put 66 percent of cases to remission within 3 weeks of taking the formula. Some people required to take the formula again a year later to return into remission, but the majority still had no flare-ups one year following the study. When analyzed via colonoscopy, erosions, mucous accumulation, and bleeding stains were shown to be eliminated in 90% of patients.
A Chinese herbal remedy which has been commonly used for all kinds of internal bleeding has been proven to help prevent bleeding from ulcerative colitis also. This formula is named Yunnan Paiyao. It comprises pseudoginseng, which has hemostatic properties. Other Chinese herbs used to prevent suffering from ulcerative colitis include mume and sanguisorba. If somebody does take corticosteroids to control ulcerative colitis, they can lower the dose they take by also taking ginger root. Licorice root has elements which are similar to cortisol.
Because of this, taking the origin magnifies the effects of corticosteroids, which makes it feasible to get similar effects from a lesser dose. If you choose this route, make certain to work with your doctor to wean yourself to lower doses slowly. As you can see, there are lots of organic techniques of treating esophageal disorders. All natural remedies need consistency over time to find the best results, because they’re generally milder than chemical drugs. Natural approaches also work best if you work on your wellbeing between flare-ups and do not await the situation to develop into intense before addressing it. If you are prepared to be diligent and take control of your own health, then the natural path to treating ulcerative colitis might be the best alternative for you.