This medical condition is left from the novels in med school. This means several new physicians have not heard of leaky gut syndrome, which prevents them from diagnosing it. 2. The signs of the condition do not always go together in a physician’s mind, so it’s hard to diagnose and catch.
Great news
There are several doctors that know this medical condition exists and that would like to provide the diagnosis when they encounter a case of the leaking guts. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) also goes by the title increased intestinal permeability. The condition involves a collapse of the intestines to snare in toxins that will need to be escorted from the body.
The intestines normally accumulate fat, parasites, bacteria, and other toxins that could harm the body so they don’t make it into the blood stream. This task fails and the walls of the intestines flow out these toxins to the bloodstream when leaky gut syndrome sets in.
Consider these toxins intruders to your body. As your alarm system goes off if someone broke through the walls of your house, your immune system goes away if toxins begin breaking through the intestinal walls. The immune system begins attacking the toxins that enter your organs, essentially causing your body attacking itself. This often contributes to food allergies which weren’t experienced before the illness setting in.
The biggest threat of LGS is exhausting your immune system. The harder it has to work assaulting toxins from your blood flow and organs, the more likely it’s to finally just give up and go down for a rest. 70% of the immune system’s operation is focused on something named GALT. This stands for Gut-Associated Lymphatic Tissue. You find this tissue lining the digestive tract and in the mucus of the intestines.
Immune system
Since a lot of the immune system’s effort is focused in this area of the body, it makes sense that so many people with leaky gut syndrome encounter extreme gastrointestinal problems like gas, bloating, or cramping. You just don’t feel well once you have leaky gut syndrome. You’re tired all of the time and it seems like no amount of sleep is enough to refresh your sense and wake up your mind.
Stress appears to be mounting and you are not coping with it and you used to take care of it. Focusing at work gets harder and it seems like nothing you consume digests easily. You might even get a great deal of bladder infections or other types of infections from the vaginal area. Skin rashes and muscle or joint pain may also be experienced. You might even catch every insect that goes around when you used to barely get sick. Those symptoms could be a million other things apart from leaky gut, and that’s exactly what makes it so tough to diagnose.
Unfortunately, things can become even more serious if it’s left untreated. You could wind up with fibromyalgia, septicemia, pancreatitis, or psoriasis and acne. You may even end up with cancer. The trickiest aspect of getting over LGS is getting the correct diagnosis. The next step is to change how you eat. You should cut foods which commonly lead to stomach problems from your diet for a month. This gives your body a rest from that food so that your immune system can stop attacking it.