    HomeImmune SystemHow To Boost Your Immune System For Cancer Prevention?

    How To Boost Your Immune System For Cancer Prevention?

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    Doctors had nothing for me outside very risky surgery (that was almost fatal). Consequently, I was forced to discover how this insidious disease had gotten a foothold in my body and especially how I could undo that cancer-friendly inner atmosphere. As opposed to focusing on those aspects here, permit me to shed light on how chronic inflammation can appear in our own bodies.


    As the title of this report suggests, our amazing immune systems are involved since inflammation is a really normal useful process if and only if it’s able to follow its inherent”job description” and be an emergency responder rather. We all know from our first skinned knee in youth we bleed, we experience localized warmth, redness, swelling and occasionally plasma seepage. If debris stays, we could see pus grow.

    And we generally hope that these mechanics will disappear fairly soon as we hope that the emergency medical technicians will leave once a trauma patient is stabilized. This efficient”first responder” immune system is vital to our survival. We don’t need to understand just how all those awesome immune cells perform their many tasks, but we are normally happy they do because they care for the “non-self stuff” that attempts to invade our bodies that are wounded.

    Did you know?

    Most individuals don’t understand where our immune system mechanisms originate in us although we may understand that something in a trauma situation triggers their delivery via our blood. We learn this much out of a splinter in a finger. Still, we take this life-saving”system” for granted because we see it operate. We see wounds heal. Although it’s intriguing to study the”behind the scenes” life of our immune system, we really only have to appreciate its continuous and intricate adjustments while realizing that each and every part of our way of life helps or hinders these alterations.

    Take note

    Eating, sleeping, drinking, exercising, stressing, thinking, laughing, etc. all directly affect the use of our immune system thereby causing it to move outside its intended parameters. So how does the immune system”overlook its job description” so that an efficient “first responder” becomes confused, overworked and even systemically harmful? I learned that the first stimulus could be primarily physical, psychological, psychological, or environmental.

    Some type of anxiety or “insulting force” is either repeated or continued long enough to fool the immune system into a cycle of exhausting biochemical reactions. Not exercising for hormone balance and lymphatic fluid motion. In recent decades we’ve discovered through psychoneurophysiology (science combining study of emotions, mind, and body) that the chemicals spilling into our blood flow to turn on our “first responder” immune system will be the exact chemicals evoked by repeated persistent stimulation irrespective of whether the origin is psychological, physical or emotional. Any of these may cause systemic inflammation which undermines life in the body cell level that, obviously, is where cancer may form.

    Thus it’s certain that poisonous thoughts and words stimulate inflammatory physical symptoms which could be temporary or chronic. Traditional medicine still resists the”body/mind” connection since the brain has been deemed “immeasurable”; nonetheless, fantastic science has measured emotional chemical reactions by demonstrating the existence of receptors for these compounds on all human cell membranes.

    Keep in mind

    The stimulation of chronic inflammation can, indeed, start from the mind or emotions as well as in the body. In actuality, it’s arguable that the body and mind can’t be separated in these responses because of discoveries made through both psychoneurophysiology and quantum mechanics. Further considering the connection between inflammation and cancer, we know that chronic cumulative inflammatory reactions start with particular”alert” proteins and compounds spilled into the blood.

    The blood vessels then become more porous and plasma and certain blood proteins progressively flow into the space between cells pushing capillaries from cell membranes. A cascade of events occurs which contributes to cells becoming unable to obtain delivery of oxygen and nutrients through their membranes. Thereby cells can’t create energy (for themselves or for us) and do their distinctive function for the body tissue that they reside in (pancreas beta cells can not make insulin for example). Lack of oxygen in cells stimulates pain.

    Cancer cells

    Unlike normal cells, all cancer cells may live well fermenting sugar in the absence of oxygen. Wastes are not taken away from fluid between cells since the blood vessels and veins can not occupy all that additional fluid and large protein molecules. Tumors generally take the time to form and, in that process, emit chemicals that”trick” the body to creating new blood supply toward themselves while normal cells are still struggling and gasping for life. The wonderfully made and extremely complex “crisis” immune system isn’t meant to work constantly enjoy a medical intern is often pressed to perform.

    It’s meant, as I’ve explained, to hurry to a injury site, clean it up, then to stimulate development of scar tissue and fresh blood supply. In my own cancer situation, I realized that my challenge was to reverse the conditions that forced my body/mind basically to keep 911 on redial mode therefore confusing my immune system. I’d long been dormant in my religion but I soon came to know that my holding onto resentment and bitterness for centuries (rather than forgiving according to my religion ) had retained the harmful chemicals churning.


    My recovery began spiritually and emotionally by eliminating emotional/mental toxins with terrific prayer support. I share this piece of advice to illustrate how over-coming chronic inflammation stimulated emotionally opens the door to whole health of body/mind/spirit. Physical healing followed the religious healing once I maintained the process simple by just putting into my body materials my immune system “read” as actual food molecules as opposed to as “non-self molecules” like people in processed and manufactured foods.

    Our bodies, actually, are produced from the exact molecules as the food we’re supposed to consume and our immune system knows which molecules those are. That eating protocol meant I was taking this God-given chance to consume lots and lots of plant established organic vegetables and copious quantities of vibrant organic berries in addition to lots of fresh vegetable juices. I also made sure I got plenty of omega 3 fats mainly through a flax oil recipe. I left off sugar (highly inflammatory cancer fertilizer) and foods that quickly converted into sugar (breads etc.) having a mindset that my food was my medication. I didn’t eat meat or milk (with few dairy exceptions) for many years and then added just organic grass-fed milk and meat in tiny amounts. I drank (still do) only highly filtered or distilled water frequently with organic lemon juice added and no pop if sweetened with sugar or artificial sweetener. My only sweetener is stevia–an herb with zero glycemic index (blood glucose indicator ).


    Mentally, I couldn’t afford to allow “denial whiningl” in my thought life. I included deep breathing exercises and simple lymph moving exercises which were both emotionally and physically healing. Literally from the grace of God, I cleaned up my thought life and learned to talk health as opposed to passing over my body/mind and I made sure those around me did the same. The cure for cancer is, actually, restored inner wellbeing and a healthy body cell may become cancerous. Respecting our amazing immune system’s “job description” is crucial.


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