    HomeBody-SpiritHow To Break The Headache Cycle?

    How To Break The Headache Cycle?

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    In my job I have chance to speak to a lot of people from various areas of america. Over time I have made acquaintance with many who get near daily headaches to one degree or another. This is a terrible affliction that rips in a the heart and sanity of someone. It’s so discouraging to awake in the morning and understand with 90% certainty that when you don’t have a headache , you’ll have one by the time the day is finished.

    Did you know?

    Many men and women are in this circumstance. I had been for about 12 years before I figured out how to split it. The strategy I will share with you is a set of measures I’ve taken myself and additional tidbits I have learned from discussions with other people. It’s not a warranty, but it worked for me and it’s at least worth a try if you’re experiencing frequent headaches. 1. In my opinion the principal cause of “rebound headaches” or what I call the”rebound headache cycle” is overuse of headache medicine.

    Personal experience plus advice by Medical Doctors too at Naturopathic Physicians affirms that over-use of lots of the typical over-the-counter headache drugs produce rebound headaches. Goodies Headache Powder, B.C. Headache Powder and Excedrin are ones to be particularly careful about. I’m aware of those three are from personal experience. I’ve been told that others do the same but I can’t say personally. What do I mean by “overuse”? It’s been commonly said that if you’re taking headache drugs 2-3 days per week you’re in danger of experiencing rebound headaches.

    Immatrex is a prescription medicine that could produce rebound headaches. Granted, Immatrex can knock out some strong headaches but almost each and every time I took the pain killer (and it had been more than 60) I’d find a rebound headache 18-24 hours afterwards, and it would be worse than the first. The first thing I needed to do to begin to get rid of the viscous rebound headache cycle was supposed to stop taking these drugs.

    What to do?

    In actuality, I stopped taking all over-the-counter and prescription headache medications. I did have to sit out a significant migraine when I stopped and I have had to sit out some since then but the frequency of headaches I obtained was diminished straight away. It’s much better to get an occasional migraine compared to have a small to moderate headache daily and a significant migraine once or twice per week.

    After I stopped taking these drugs, my headaches were reduced but not removed. There were several things that I found that were behaving as headache triggers that could bring on a headache almost every time I ate or drank them. I highly recommend that everyone caught up in the”rebound headache cycle” lay off those food items straight away and see if it makes a difference.

    After these two “prompt action” measures are completed the next thing to do would be to begin a journal. This journal should reveal everything that a person eats and drinks and headaches obtained. Many times by keeping documents like this it is possible to spot trends and determine what the causes are that are causing headaches.

    Sometimes, even after these 3 measures are taken, headaches could be greatly reduced but still happen sometimes. There are a few nutritional and herbal remedies which have produced very good results for relieving headaches. Additionally, there are supplements that combine some or all these ingredients.


    It’s my experience that the supplements which have a blend of ingredients are extremely powerful. One of them is known as “MigraDefense”. All four of the aforementioned herbs and vitamins are combined in MigraDefense and it’s been really well received by many naturopathic doctors in addition to patients. I realize that knocking off sugar, coffee, alcohol or MSG appears to be a big or possibly impossible job. It isn’t impossible, I’ve done it, others have done it, so can you. And after these changes are made, the benefits are incredible.

    If you’re stuck in the rebound headache cycle, it might be worth your while to try out the actions mentioned previously. As hard as it might sound, try it for a week and see if you do not feel a difference. After a week is finished, make a wish to continue for a month. I’m confident that after a month you might just feel large improvement. You will need to keep your journal up to note how frequently you get headaches and how intense they are, so that you can compare the present with the past.

    If you come down with one headache per week and become discouraged feeling your plan isn’t working, realize how much better a week is than four, five or six. Are you going to need to lay off these kinds of foods and beverages forever? Will you ever be able to have a beer without receiving a hassle? Provided that you’re caught in the “rebound headache cycle” you won’t ever know. There are a lot of things that may be acting as headache triggers so you won’t be able to tell until you’re at a place where you aren’t having headaches nearly daily.


    If you can keep away from these types of products for good, that’s most likely best. If you feel you simply need to know if you’re able to eat a specific food or not, follow this particular strategy. After you have returned to a place where you aren’t having headaches frequently, gradually re-introduce food items which you’ve eliminated one at a time. Do not re-introduce multiple of those foods per month. By following a plan such as this you ought to be able to tell if this food results in headaches or whether you may partake of it without experiencing headaches.


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