    HomePainHow to distinguish Ordinary Headaches?

    How to distinguish Ordinary Headaches?

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    Migraines can be accompanied by other types of headaches. This can make it difficult for you to identify the type of headache you have. Because of the differences in pain levels and other characteristics, it is often possible to distinguish between migraine headaches from “ordinary” headaches. This is not always true. Sometimes, two types of headaches can be combined into one. These are known as mixed headaches.


    A common component of a mix headache is the tension headache. This is the most common type. These are not migraine-related. They are usually less severe than migraines, last less time, and are generally not as painful. Sinus headaches are another type of non-migraine. Although they are not common, they can mimic migraine symptoms. This can make diagnosis difficult. It can be difficult to diagnose migraines when they are combined with tension headaches or sinus headaches.

    Most tension headaches are dull and steady in nature. Some of these headaches can cause the throbbing, thrusting pain associated with migraines. A migraine can sometimes cause dull pain and feel on more than one side of the head. This is a sign that you may have a tension headache. To make matters worse, tension headaches can persist after a migraine has been treated.


    A mixed headache can be managed by focusing on the most problematic symptoms and addressing them immediately. A “beta blocker” drug is an option if your headache is severe and throbbing. It lowers blood pressure which helps to ease the throbbing. Calcium blockers are another common treatment option. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment option for you. Never take prescription drugs without consulting your doctor. Stress can trigger migraines, it is well-known.

    Some people experience headaches that aren’t migraine-like but occur in stressful situations. It might be worth looking into stress reduction methods such as biofeedback, meditation, or other relaxation techniques. It is important that you remember that almost every health problem has both a psychological and a physical component. Both must be addressed to solve the problem. It is a good idea to evaluate your lifestyle and make changes to improve your health.


    You can start to treat tension headaches by making behavioral changes. Get more exercise, improve your posture, especially when you are watching TV or using the computer. And consider psychotherapy to see if you have any psychological issues. These same strategies can be applied to migraine headaches. Migraine headaches can be caused by behavioral triggers. It is important to identify and change your lifestyle habits so that you can manage them.


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