    ДомойДомашнее средствоПолезен ли цинк для улучшения здоровья зрения?

    Полезен ли цинк для улучшения здоровья зрения?

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    Жизненно важной частью поддержания здорового зрения является потребление идеального питания. Существуют определенные витамины, антиоксиданты и минералы, которые жизненно важны для поддержания здоровья зрительной системы, а также для поддержания нашего тела в отличной форме. Один конкретный минерал под названием цинк жизненно важен для поддержания здорового производства клеток [...].

    What is Zinc?

    This vitamin also has a large array of benefits like eye care, pregnancy care, hair care and the prevention of night blindness to mention a few. The significance of Zinc in the body as a whole in maintaining general health can never be underestimated. This mineral is found in every tissue in the human body and it’s vital in cell production and cell division. It plays a role in regulating the body’s immune system, helps in the production of energy, reduces cancer risks and enables the body to make the excellent hormonal levels to operate in a healthy way.

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    Therefore, it’s necessary in enhancing athletic performance. Without this crucial mineral our white and red blood cells couldn’t function in a healthful way. It’s concentrated in each part of our bodies such as our organs like the liver, pancreas, kidneys, bones and our retinas. This mineral is so crucial to each simple bodily function that serious health effects result from a small deficiency of the mineral.

    Польза для здоровья глаз

    Zinc is crucial for promoting healthy eyesight. There are actually substantial concentrations of Zinc in a variety of parts of the eyes like the Retina and the Macular. This antioxidant is important in encouraging the healthy functioning of various sections of the eyes. When Zinc is combined with other antioxidants like Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Copper, it can decrease the risks for age related vision diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts. National Eye Institute.

    Zinc also helps vitamin A to be converted to melanin, the pigmentation which supports eye health. Zinc may also assists with improving night vision. According to Web MD the recommended dose of Zinc for girls is 8 mg every day and the dose for men is 11 mg per day. Some food sources of Zinc include Lobster, Yogurt, Beef and Oysters.

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