    DomovBolečinaKako s hipnozo olajšati migreno?

    Kako s hipnozo olajšati migreno?

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    Migraine headaches are a common reason people visit the emergency room or doctor’s offices. Migraine headaches typically last between 4 and 72 hours. They can also occur daily or less frequently than once a year. About 15% of the population suffers from migraine headaches. Migraine headaches affect three times as many women than men. More than 80% have migraines.


    Migraines can be caused by changes in the brain and blood vessels. These changes in the brain and surrounding blood vessels are caused by stress due to being overwhelmed; resisting the flow of life; or sexual dissatisfaction/fears. J. Anderson conducted a study. J. Anderson (1975) found that migraine sufferers who were treated with hypnosis experienced a significant decrease in the severity and number of attacks compared to those who were treated with traditional medication.

    This statistically significant difference was not evident until the second six month follow-up period. The number of migraine sufferers who had not suffered from headaches for more than three months in the hypnosis group was significantly higher at the end of the first year. Olness (1987) conducted a controlled study using self-hypnosis.

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    Napetostni glavoboli

    This trial was significantly more effective than placebo or propranolol in reducing migraine headaches in children aged six to twelve years old. L.C. L.C. Schlutter (1980) found that hypnosis was most effective in relieving tension headaches. A. Alladin (1988), who reviewed the literature on hypnosis and identified a dozen different hypnotic methods that have been used to treat chronic migraine headaches, identified twelve.

    The simplest and most effective method to reduce migraine headaches is hypnotic training that emphasizes relaxation. Hand warming and direct hypnotic suggestions for symptom removal were all shown to be effective. Gutfeld, G., and Rao, L. (1992) conducted a study on 42 Migraine patients.

    Two Groups

    The Migraine sufferers, who had all failed to respond to conventional treatments, were divided into two groups. One group received hypnotherapy to relieve their daily migraines, while the rest served as a comparison. The headache intensity was reduced by 30% in the hypnotherapy group, which saw a reduction in headache frequency and duration. Egilius, M.D., Ph.D. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, commented, “These results were impressive in such an difficult, hard to treat group of patients.”

    There are many barriers that can prevent people from getting the best Migraine headache treatment. People are often misinformed and misunderstood about hypnosis, which makes it difficult to consider this highly effective treatment.

      Kaj pomaga pri preprečevanju migrenskih glavobolov?


    Another barrier is the government and insurance policies that restrict access to holistic treatments, such as Chiropractic, Acupressure and Acupuncture, and Metaphysical Healing-Mind, Body, and Spirit-using Hypnosis and Rolfing, Biofeedback and Cranio Sacral Therapies. Access to food allergies and sensitivities is another important aspect of Migraine headache treatment. Migraine headaches are most commonly caused by corn, peas, eggs, high-acit foods (onions, garlic and wheat), green peppers, strawberries, potatoes, and other acidic foods.


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