    ГоловнаБджолиний світЯк щодо добавки бджолиного пилку?

    Як щодо добавки бджолиного пилку?

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    Many of us are aware that bee pollen, rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, is one of nature’s “superfoods”. It contains many essential ingredients necessary for life to continue. Bee pollen is often mentioned by people who are interested in healthy foods and healthy diets.


    But what exactly is it? Sometimes called “ambrosia”, this is the pollen that worker honeybees collect from flowering plants. These grains contain the mail germ cells that are produced by all plants during the fertilization process. This raw pollen is brought back to the hives where it is mixed together with honey and fed to the bee larvae.

    It is very rich in nutrients, although the composition varies from one region to the next. This is due to the location, climate, and flower mix used. It contains at least 18 vitamins, including the majority of B-complex vitamins, vitamins C, D, E and F, folic Acid, choline and inositol. This contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron and copper as well as iodine.

    Візьміть до уваги

    It is important to consume minerals in a balanced way. For example, if you take a calcium supplement, the levels of manganese and phosphorus, magnesium, and fortify will be depressed. This is not only a good source of at least 25 minerals but it is also a balanced source. These minerals are in the best possible ratio for our health. The protein content in bee pollen can range from 10 to 35 per cent, with an average of about 20 percent.

      Які дивовижні властивості медоносного бджолиного пилку?

    Nearly half of the protein comes in the form of free amino acids. There are 22 amino acids in all, but proportions can vary between bee pollen samples. Bee pollen contains a higher amount of protein than beef, eggs, cheese, and this can be a great source for vegetarians. This will provide the body with all its protein needs. It is recommended that you consume 35g per day. It also contains natural sugars such as glucose, pentose and sucrose.

    Останнє зауваження

    These are the same sugars found in honey and are easily digested in chains and bonds. Many of these sugars are actually converted by the bees to a predigested form. Bee pollen also contains some carbohydrates and fats. About 5 percent of its total composition is made up of oils and fats, specifically fatty acid. It also contains enzymes that are vital in the digestion process. The enzyme composition is similar to that of yeast and the alcoholic fermentation of bee pollen is identical with yeast. This includes cozymase and catalase as well as cytochrome, dehydrogenase. diaphorase, diastase and lactic acids. It also contains almost 60 trace minerals in highly digestible forms, as well as antibiotic elements to counteract bacteria. The pollen granules’ shells contain sporonine and cellulose.

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