Many people suffering from migraines or headaches are looking for natural remedies. They don’t want to take drugs or medication. A headache is a constant pain in the head that can be caused by muscle contractions, or a chronic tension headache. A migraine is a severe, throbbing headache that can last for several hours to days. It can be caused by sensitivity to light or noise, and may also include nausea or stomach upset.
Natural Remedies
There are many natural remedies for headaches that have been proven effective in studies, and they do not require prescription drugs. These are the most popular, and the chart below provides additional options. Scientists from Griffith University in Brisbane Australia studied 52 migraine sufferers. The migraine sufferers were divided into two groups. One half received daily B vitamins, which included 25 mgs of B6, 2 mgs of vitamin B9, and 400mg of B12.
After six months, symptoms and disability decreased by 60% to 30%. The placebo group did not show any reduction. Capsaicin, the powerful active ingredient in Cayenne pepper, is well-known. Capsaicin is well-known for its ability to relieve pain and inflammation.
The Clinical Journal of Pain published a study on capsaicin’s effectiveness in headache relief. Researchers found that capsaicin can inhibit Substance P, which is a substance responsible for transmitting pain signals. Capsaicin can help to eliminate Substance P, which is part of what causes pain feelings. The participants who received capsaicin topically on their nasal passages experienced relief from headaches.
Those who received the placebo did not experience this relief. Capsaicin can be taken as a nasal spray, cream, or pill. Scientists have looked into whether there is a link between migraine headaches (and gluten) found in wheat, rye, and oats. Gluten is a protein-like substance which gives bread its elastic texture. A study published in the journal Neurology found that 9 out of 10 participants experienced migraine relief when they ate a gluten-free diet. This suggests that gluten-containing foods can cause headaches.
Studies have shown that migraine sufferers have low magnesium levels. Cephalalgia literally means headache or head pain. A study in Germany of 81 migraine sufferers published in the journal Cephalalgia showed that 42 percent of those taking oral magnesium had a decrease in their migraine attacks’ intensity and duration. They also decreased their dependence on migraine medications.