Systemic Yeast Infection – Candida Gone Rogue! Yeast or Candida infections are now quite a common term nowadays. But what’s a systemic yeast infection? Well, as the name suggests in affects your whole system. Systemic Candida attacks the entire body in various ways, always using a weakened immune system and your sugar consumption (Candida thrives on sugar).
Let’s see…
Ever thought about how your systemic yeast infection went from an itch to a full blown war on your wellbeing? Usually before it goes systemic, Candida disease starts in your intestines. Once developed, it only requires a minor lesion in your intestinal tissue to flow into your blood stream and to begin wreaking havoc with your whole system. It’s like guerrilla war, as you would never suspect lots of the symptoms to stem from a Candida infection, such as migraines, fatigue, digestive problems, memory loss and a lot more.
What Is the Reason for the Intestinal Yeast or Candida Infection? All of us have Candida Albicans, the fungal disease root cause, in our system, in ordinary and benign levels. When the germs that keeps candida in check declines for one of a row of potential motives, like sugar consumption, poor diet, stress, antibiotics etc., Candida overgrows and disease is the outcome. Most individuals discount their fungal disease until it actually disturbs them and are not aware that treating it immediately is needed. If left untreated your mild disease eventually spreads to the blood stream and becomes a serious health hazard.
Take note
May Chronic and Systemic Yeast Infection Be Causing a Lot of Your Illnesses? It is not news that chronic Candida or yeast infections affect your health adversely. You might have experienced symptoms such as memory loss, concentration problems, allergies, chronic fatigue, joint pains, depression, mood changes, vaginal fungal disease outbreaks, acne, urinary tract infections, stomach ache, blurred vision and several more, without ever understanding what might have caused them and always just treating the symptoms.
Systemic yeast infection is the potential culprit for many of these ailments. If you have treated the symptoms and they continue coming back, research systemic yeast infection. Systemic Candida infection can develop into a real danger to your well being and for many people it may become life threatening.
Systemic yeast infection was connected to diabetes, because of the use of sugar and sugar-based foods. Candidiasis is also likely to occur to individuals with a weakened immune system and AIDS sufferers. You can find out with a simple blood test if Candida fungus clot is present on your intestines. It’s called Candida Albicans Assay. The test will check for a sufficient quantity of yeast antibodies in your blood.