    HomeBody-SpiritWhat Can I Do Against Stress?

    What Can I Do Against Stress?

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    Another crazy day has started. Once more, you find yourself worried to the point of pulling out your hair, or maybe yelling. What’s happening inside your body right now? Why do you feel so bad? Well, when you start stressing out, the first thing happens physically is that you stop breathing correctly.

    Let’s start

    You won’t drop dead (not from lack of breathing, anyway), since the body remembers it must breathe a little so as to survive, but your breathing becomes shallow. Now, the problem with that is that breathing brings oxygen to the body, and oxygen is the body’s supply of energy. When you don’t breathe , you don’t have any energy, and the body’s functions suffer.

    Stress also hurts your immune system: when your breathing is not quite as deep as might be desirable, there is less movement in the torso region (less breathing means less movement of the lungs and diaphragm), and the thymus gland, which includes a major part in the immune system, gets massaged less. While you might be able to live without obtaining a massage daily, your thymus gland isn’t.

    What is happening?

    So when you’re stressed over large intervals, your immune system is weakened, and a weak immune system has trouble keeping you healthy. Also, once you’re stressed, the body begins producing stress hormones. That’s extremely fine, of course, but for the fact that the production of those hormones takes up resources that would otherwise be used to create different types of hormones.

    Sometimes it may be sex hormones, for example, and people find that their periods have lost their regularity (girls, usually), or that they have become impotent (guys). The manufacturing of other sorts of hormones is, of course, also influenced by the mass production of stress hormones. Stress also creates lively blockings in and around your body. In times of stress, the chakras shut down and meridians are blocked.

    There’s absolutely not any flow of energy around the body, no renewal of energy. And when there isn’t any renewal there is deterioration, because energy does not sit around waiting, it escapes, moves on to other areas. So you wind up getting no energy, feeling down. So, what can you do about it? First of all, you should know of it.

    Final note

    Then, do something about it. You could begin by taking deeper breaths whenever you remember to. This will assist with immediate relief, and give your body a few of the oxygen it has been craving. It is possible to continue by learning how to manage stress. You’ll see plenty of ways and techniques that teach stress management. Pick one that you find appropriate and proceed with it. It just may help you restore your peace of mind and your health.

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