    HomePainWhat to know about Rebound Headaches?

    What to know about Rebound Headaches?

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    The rebound headache cycle is one of the most dangerous and damaging cycles a person could fall into. Doctors across the country are well aware that many popular over-the counter headache medications can cause rebound headaches. This is when the pain returns, often at a greater severity, 12-24 hours or 48 hours later. This is a cruel and twisted marketing tactic that is widely promoted in newspapers, magazines, and other media. In fact, these drugs can cause headaches that last for days or even weeks. These drugs should have large, bold print on the label. It should be three times larger than the brand name.


    What is the limit of overuse? Do you take the medication twice daily? My experience and the support of two family doctors, Goodies powder (and B.C. It is almost impossible to diagnose other headache triggers when one finds himself in a rebound headache cycle. The following scenario is possible. The following scenario is possible: A person eats a certain food that triggers headaches, but is unaware of its effects.

    A headache usually occurs 24 hours after the person has consumed this delicious food. The headache does not get worse so Goodies powder is used (for the third week). The pain will subside for now. As each day passes, the headache pain starts to return. Another Goodies powder is used to immediately relieve the pain. Two powders may be necessary for this type of relief. The pain may be gone for 36-48hrs, but it will return after a few days. The subject may be beginning to wonder what is causing the headaches. He may not know that the headache trigger was a food he ate days before.

    Rebound Headache

    This “rebound headache cycle”, which can lead to more headaches, can be very dangerous. The headache medication should be taken at the first sign of a headache. Keep a journal to track the causes of your headaches. If this is done, the subject will find that he/she takes headache medication at the first sign if he/she has a headache. Sometimes, there is no headache and some stress. These drugs are often taken too often. They can cause recurring pain.

    External sources that may cause headaches are also almost impossible to detect. This is a dangerous cycle. Your work quality and level will drop. Your social life, if any, will decline. Your family time and your care for your family will decrease. People who are caught in this vicious cycle will feel like they have lost control over their lives. I’ve known people who felt their lives were not worth living. To be blunt, headache medications are the leading cause of daily headaches. Three of my closest friends experienced constant rebound headaches.

    Headache Triggers

    Both of them were unaware of many headache triggers for many years. Both were aware of the possibility of having rebound headaches, but they still reached for the pain relief pills daily, sometimes 2, 3, 4, or even 5. Both of these people suffered from a severe rebound headache cycle, which meant that they had headaches almost every day for years.

    Both of them were so afraid of getting migraine headaches that they would do anything to avoid it. Unfortunately, both suffered from migraines quite often despite taking many of these medications. One of these people died from cancer, but the other never got over his addiction to headache medication. For the last ten of her years, she suffered from near daily headaches.

    The second person, with grit, being mindful of what he eats and drinks, was able to break this cycle and has found relief from headaches. I hope he will keep his resolve and not succumb to common over-the-counter medications for headaches.


    Two things are necessary to break the cycle of rebound headaches. First, it is important to recognize that daily headaches are not just symptoms. A journal detailing what one eats and how many headaches he gets is a good idea. This journal can help you identify headache triggers that should be eliminated. My experience shows that coffee, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, red wine, and monosodium glutamate are the most common headache triggers. It is possible to identify other headache triggers if a person stops using headache medication. This is difficult to do when you are using these drugs excessively. It is possible, I’ve seen it!


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