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    Are There Natural Cures For Anxiety?

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    Are you feeling tired, stressed, and short on time. Anxiety and stress can cloud your thinking and cause you to waste time and energy. Avoid the high price and dangers of taking meds. It is easy to strengthen your immune system. Do it with every meal. Take “stress-relief” breaks. It’s that easy.

    The hard part?

    The hard part? They are just habits that will eventually fall away. Your subconscious is the one that rules – 95% of all the time. It takes around 21 days to create a new habit. As you already know, the 5% of your “mindful” won’t override your old habits. A few good ideas won’t make a big difference. These ideas “stick” and are able to become new habits over time. You can clear your mind by using home remedies, super nutrition, or retreats to a spa and to the natural world.

    Your new insights will help you save time and maximize your effort. Low nutrition thinking can lead to stress and confusion. With refreshing breaks, home remedies, healthy diet choices, and refreshing breaks, you can save hours and do more. Walking and exercising are mandatory. They are not an option. Your body can’t function well if you don’t move.


    Remedies won’t help you if you don’t help yourself. Start with a routine that you like and continue to work on it. Yoga is a great activity that unites “body, mind and spirit” — it can help you stretch and energize. Water is vital. Water is vital. You can live for a long time without nutrition or go without food for weeks. But water can only sustain you for a few days. 70% of the earth is covered by water.

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    The sea is where you evolved (remember how your embryo became a baby in your mother’s womb?). Water is essential for your survival. Your body is constantly depleting water and must be replenished daily. Water can heal a wide range of conditions. Drinking large quantities (gallons or more) of water can dramatically improve your symptoms, including headaches, constipation, and digestive disorders. These areas are prone to stress and pain.


    It is easy to drink water every day – lots of it! You can see the results for yourself. Water can relieve constipation, spastic colon, and elimination disorders. Migraine headaches show significant improvement (chronic conditions also require diet and stress modification); PMS and premenstrual cramps (also less calorie intake); joint tenderness or cramping; lower back discomfort is often due to kidney or liver problems – and water flushes away toxins. Flavored solar-energized water at room temp is a great way to balance your emotions, increase water intake, and energize yourself.

    Put purified water in a glass pitcher. Add herbs and/or food. Let it sit in the sun for at least an hour. Add a few leaves of mint, basil, or your favorite herb to the pitcher. Next, add cucumber, lime, lemon or strawberries. Sun tea can also be made by adding tea herbs to a pitcher and letting it sit in the sun for 3-4hrs. Now you have a solar-powered home remedy that is high-powered! Make sure to use fresh ingredients.

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    Final note

    To avoid toxic residue, boil in a stainless steal or glass pot. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can be a great addition to your daily diet. If anxiety or stress is a problem, you can use decaf. Ginger tea (boil 1/4 cup fresh ginger in chunks for 30 mins on simmer) is a digestive aid that helps with detoxing your internal buildup. Honey can be added to the tea to relieve symptoms of a cold. You can also add lemon slices and cardamom pods to the soup. Once it has cooled, heat it up and then open the pods. As a light refreshment, serve with honey.

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