    HomePainWhat should we know about Migraines?

    What should we know about Migraines?

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    It is not easy to use medication to treat migraines and headaches. There is a lot of debate in the migraine community about the “evil” of various medications. However, you and your doctor will make the decision to use medication to treat migraines and headaches. If your decision works for you, don’t let anyone make you feel bad. However, medication for migraines and headaches can be complicated and not a quick fix. This is why doctors, while claiming that prescription migraine and headache medication is reliable and effective, often understate the fact that many medications can be addictive, cause rebound attacks, or have serious side effects.

    Side Effects

    Many doctors believe that if a patient is told a medication will work, they will believe it. If a patient is told they will experience side effects, they will also experience the side effect. It is not a good idea to rely on the power of suggestion when treating headaches and migraines.

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    Patients who haven’t dealt with long-term health issues will be surprised to learn that the doctor recommended treatment doesn’t work. Most people are used to having their medical problems solved quickly. Headaches and migraines are different. Reactions to medication can vary greatly.


    What works for one person might not work for another. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t trying hard enough or that you have a migraine or headache. You just need to find something else. What does this all mean? This means you will have to work harder than the average patient to be informed and ask questions.

    You cannot expect your doctor to give you all the information you need. This chapter will explain the most common headache and migraine medications, their side effects, and how they work. Communication with your doctor is essential so you can determine if a medication is working properly or if side effects are affecting your life.

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