    HomePainAm I suffering from Chronic Headaches?

    Am I suffering from Chronic Headaches?

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    Are you suffering from chronic headaches? Care you need will depend on the type of pain you experience. First, identify the type of headache that you are experiencing. There are five types of headaches you should be aware. There are five types of headaches: tension, cluster, sinus and rebound. Your doctor will be able to determine which type you have so that the right treatment can be given.

    Tension Headaches

    Tension headaches are the most common. This is when you feel constant pressure or ache in your head, particularly around the temples, back, and neck. Experts believe they are caused by tension in the neck and scalp muscles and changes in brain chemicals. They are usually not severe enough to prevent you from going about your daily activities. These headaches can be treated with acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which can be purchased over-the-counter.

    Cluster Headaches

    Cluster headaches can occur suddenly and are often accompanied by severe, sometimes debilitating, pain on one side. They are also accompanied by watery eyes, congestion, and a runny nasal on the other side. These headaches seem to be more common in men than in women. Although the cause is not known, it is believed that genetics may play a role.

    Sinus Headaches

    Sinus infection can be treated using antibiotics, antihistamines and decongestants. Sinus headaches are usually accompanied by a fever. You can diagnose sinus infection by looking through a fiber-optic scope or CT scan. This will reveal the fluid levels and detect any changes in the fluid. Another common problem is medication-overuse or rebound headaches. Overuse of painkillers can cause more headaches. There are several theories about why your brain reacts in this way. One theory is that too many medications can cause the brain’s to become agitated and excited, leading to more headaches. Another reason is that headaches can be a withdrawal sign of medicine levels falling.

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    There are many types of migraine headaches. Migraines are usually located on one side of the head and can be accompanied by sensitivity or irritability to light, noise, smells, and light. Migraines can be described as a headache with moderate to severe intensity. This intensity is usually increased by physical activity and nausea, vomiting, or both. Migraines can last from 12 hours to several weeks. It is important to recognize the type of headaches you have and seek medical attention immediately. They can often help you relieve or eliminate the root cause of your headaches.


    Do you ever get a severe headache that makes you wonder if it is migraine-related? Everybody has had a headache once in their lives. But not everyone has had migraines. What is the difference? Although a headache can be bothersome, it is not a serious condition. It is rarely enough to make you miss work or cause disruptions in your daily life. A headache can be distracting, but it is usually manageable with simple over-the-counter medication. A headache is usually mild to moderate in intensity. It can affect the whole head and cause a feeling of squeezing or achy pressure.

    A migraine, on the other side, is more than just a distraction. Migraine attacks can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours and can cause severe to severe pain. Migraine pain can be felt on one side of the head at a given time and may shift from side to side. For some, migraine pain can affect both sides of the head. The pain is often throbbing or pulsating. It can also be aggravated or made worse by exertion such as bending over to pick up something or climbing stairs. You may feel nauseated, and even vomit. Sunlight or normal lighting can cause you to squint. Everyday sounds can also make your headache worse.

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    Triggers and Symptoms

    You might notice that certain smells are particularly unpleasant and you become more sensitive to them. All you can think of is finding a darkened, quiet place where you can lay down. An aura can be a sign of a migraine, which is when you feel a tingling sensation in your head. An aura is a visual field change that can appear as blurred vision, flashing lights or zigzag lines. Others may experience temporary blind spots, called scotomas. Auras can be associated with migraines. In rare cases, an aura may not be followed by a migraine. Your doctor can help you determine if you are suffering from migraines. Your doctor will appreciate a log of your headaches. This will help you keep track of when and how long they last.

    Often many people forget the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure if they experience Neck pain, Head aches, Vertigo, TMJ, Migraines, along with other symptoms. They could resort to expensive surgical treatments or drugs first, which might not solve the issue accessible. The jaw itself is kept by 68 pairs of muscle groups of the top, neck, and shoulder. The muscle groups, ligaments and bones of our body are very complex in character.

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