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    위산 역류에 대처하는 방법?

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    You probably know what it feels like – after eating a delicious meal, heartburn sets in almost immediately. You may also have acid reflux or GERD, which can cause severe discomfort and lingering symptoms. Acid reflux sufferers will experience more than just heartburn.

    알고 계셨나요?

    Belching, regurgitation, early satiety, and other symptoms are all signs of acid reflux. Doctors may prescribe medication to relieve symptoms. However, they are not always the best option. Brilliant acid reflux remedies are becoming very popular because they are much cheaper and more effective. It is important to change your eating habits and stick to a strict diet to treat GERD.

    To prevent GERD from getting worse, doctors recommend that sufferers reduce the intake of oily and spicy foods. Avoid citrus fruits as they can increase stomach acid production. The daily intake of fruits such as banana, papaya, and apple will help to reduce stomach acid production. Good posture is one of the best ways to reduce acid reflux.

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    This posture helps keep the stomach contents in check while you sleep. Your doctor may tell you to raise your upper body by placing wooden blocks under your front bedposts. This will help to reduce the gravity effect and soothe the stomach. It worked wonders for reflux when you took apple cider vinegar (ACV).

    Take 1-2 tablespoons of ACV and add it to a glass of water. Drink this twice daily. This works well for all night relief if taken before bed. Drinking water throughout the day is another effective home remedy for GERD. Water will help to dilute acid in your stomach, and it will wash away any defying gravity. A great home remedy for treating reflux is to eat garlic every day. Fresh garlic must be used. It should be crushed or chewed.


    Acid reflux symptoms can be relieved by eating 1 to 2 cloves of garlic per day. These effective acid reflux remedies can be used to relieve symptoms without the side effects or expense of medication. These remedies can make a significant difference in your health. Natural remedies are better than prescription medications and antacids.

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