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    요가를 할 때 아이를 밀면 어떤 위험이 있을까?

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    Yoga teachers are often thinking about the development of new programs for seniors, adults, and kids. Sometimes, we consider giving kids the chance to get the degree of exercise required to rid additional energy. This excess energy has to be released in a positive manner, but kids need appropriate guidance and yoga teachers will need to ensure classes are safe.


    Power and vinyasa are generic physical styles which often derive their origins in the Ashtanga school of yoga. These generic styles highlight the physical exercise within the spiritual and mental practice. They are generally offered at fitness centers as a kind of exercise which can build strength and help with weight loss while encouraging flexibility and stress relief. Additionally, a growing number of families are realizing that these health benefits aren’t lost on the younger generation.

    It’s important to remember that despite having an advantageous way to keep healthy and fit, yoga may also pose its own challenges to safe practice. With this in mind, parents should anticipate that there may be risks in physical yoga for children, and should refrain from pushing their children too hard. Power, vinyasa, and other physical forms of yoga could be risky for children for many reasons.

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    다음 사항을 고려하십시오.

    First, children’s growing bodies and immature attention spans pose a unique challenge for yoga teachers or parents who would like to direct youths throughout the refreshing practice of yoga. To avoid injury, students should take pose progress gradually, beginning first with only the simplest postures and working on every pose series until the procedure is nearly-perfect. Moving on to the trickier poses too quickly can place a young person beyond their strength and flexibility abilities.

    As part of the idea, yoga instructors must keep your eye on stress and balance the importance of paying attention. This way, children can prevent falls or muscle strains out of incorrect posture. Practicing creative teaching may also make this challenge much easier by engaging kids’ focus in more lasting ways.

    Second, even poses that kids have mastered can pose dangers. Inversion poses, as an instance, can put strain on the spine and neck, and sudden forward bends are known for aggravating or causing back pain. With these dangers common among adults, teachers need to take care not to put undue amounts of stress on young people’s immature musculature.

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    Third, there’s a difference between forcing children to fulfill their potential and pushing children beyond their skills. Some teachers or parents become impatient with kids who struggle with pose alignment, but it’s crucial to keep an encouraging and supportive role in a yoga session. While some children may need more guidance than others, continuing to evaluate the student’s skills during a tough pose is absolutely required. Remember that baby steps will find a man to the goal as well as measures that over-reach.


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