    HomePijnWat zijn somatische technieken om hoofdpijn te verlichten?

    Wat zijn somatische technieken om hoofdpijn te verlichten?

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    There are three main types of common headaches: tension headaches and sinus headaches. Migraines headaches are the most common. All three types of headaches are caused by two conditions that affect muscle tension: stress and injury. Muscle tension can be caused by injury or stress. All three types can be treated with a few sessions in clinical somatic education, or self-help techniques.

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    This article will discuss the mechanisms behind tension headaches, migraine headaches, and sinus headaches. Attention: Headaches that are caused by brain tumors or encephalitis, as well as headaches from other serious conditions like brain tumors and encephalitis, do not fall under any of the categories above. The following article is not applicable to these conditions.

    • Tension headaches are caused by tension in the muscles at the base and back of the head (occiput). Recent medical research has shown that tension in these muscles pulls on the scalp and the dura mater (inner lining of the skull). Tensions that are more prominent on one side of the skull can cause headaches. For example, tension near the base or back of the skull can cause pain in the temples and forehead. Sinus headaches can also be caused by tension at the base of your skull behind the nasal cavity. A headache is a feeling of increased muscular tension in all cases. The tension headache diminishes in intensity and size as the muscles relax.
    • Sinus headaches can be linked to the musculature at the back of the throat (front of the neck vertebrae). This musculature influences tensions in the lining of your throat, which runs behind the nasal cavity. Sinus drainage is blocked by excessive tension. Sinus drainage is almost always seen immediately after the throat tension has been relieved. Sinus headaches and facial pain disappear.
    • Migraine headaches are caused by tension in the muscles of the neck. Although there is no clear explanation for why migraine headaches are caused by tension, it has been consistently observed. Migraine headaches could be explained by the fact that major blood vessels that enter and leave the head pass underneath and around these muscles. The brain regulates the blood pressure by placing pressure-sensors (baroreceptors), within these blood vessels. These blood vessels are affected by blood flow changes caused by neck muscles contracting. This is one explanation.
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    Although medical researchers have some information about the preconditions of migraine headaches, the underlying causes are not yet clear. It is known that migraine headaches are less frequent, less intense, and often stop altogether when the tension in the deep musculature of your neck decreases. To protect our neck from any sudden movement, whiplash injuries, such as from a car accident, or a fall, can cause us to tighten our neck muscles. If a person already has neck tension from stress, this event can cause a long-term increase in neck tension.

    Symptoms that are not directly related to the injury include headaches, nauseao, and dizziness. Sometimes, the muscular tension can persist even after tissue healing is complete. It is quite common to misdiagnose torn or stretched ligaments. As you may have noticed, drugs and manipulative therapies don’t usually help in ending a person’s protection reaction. The tension continues or returns. This is why temporary relief (drugs), and long-term treatment (manipulative therapies) are so common.

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    Somatic Treatment

    Clinical somatic education covers all three types of headaches: migraine headaches, tension headaches, and sinus headaches. Somatic Education is a non-invasive clinical approach that uses the nervous systems ability to learn new muscle control. This learning-based approach quickly ends involuntary muscle tensions, relieving the pressure that causes all three types of headaches. Somatic education can end headache patterns, such as cluster headaches and chronic headache conditions.

    It addresses the root cause of the condition: excessively high muscular tension in neck and head. The brain’s main function is to control muscle tension. It is the master control centre for the entire muscular system. Somatic education improves higher-brain functioning so muscular tensions can be normalized and are under the free control of the individual. No more pressure on nerves. A skilled somatic educator can often relieve tension headaches in as little as ten to twenty minutes. Improvements that last a lifetime are possible with more sessions. For migraine headaches to be treated, it is common to require between two and four sessions.




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