    ДомойИммунная системаКакие средства лучше всего подходят для лечения фурункулов?

    Какие средства лучше всего подходят для лечения фурункулов?

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    There are many homeopathic remedies to boils. Most boils are caused by staphylococcus aureus bacteria entering the body through hair follicles. Boils begin as hard lumps which then become more and more brittle as they fill up with pus. The boil can become more severe if it is not treated properly. If left untreated, boils can spread and create a network of boils around the existing one.

    In severe cases, fevers can develop and even the lymph nodes can become affected. Boils can be treated at home with warm water. This can be done in the form compresses or long showers. Warm water opens the boil by pulling out the pus from the surface.

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    Warm water helps to soften the dead skin around the boil, allowing the pus to drain from the boil. After all the pus has been drained from your boil, you should flatten the skin around it. You should then wash the area around the boil with warm water and antibacterial detergent. Antibacterial soap and ointment kills bacteria at the site, making it less likely that the boil will recur. The antibacterial ointment should always be applied to the area of the ruptured boil until the skin covering it heals completely.

    Заключительное примечание

    To prevent bacteria from entering the abrasion again, the site should be covered. Warm water treatment can be used to treat many boils. It is an excellent first treatment. Vitamin and mineral supplements are another proven remedy for boils. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can boost the immune system and fight infection. Even if you don’t have a boil, it is worth taking a Vitamin C supplement each day. When combined, magnesium and zinc can be used to treat boils. You can apply magnesium and zinc to the boil as a topical ointment, or internally as an oral supplement. To be effective, this regimen should be initiated within 12 hours of the boil’s onset.

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