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    Bakteriyel Vajinozis İçin Kanıtlanmış Yöntemler Var mı?

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    Bacterial Vaginosis can be a serious problem. Itchy, embarrassing, and uncomfortable, bacterial vaginosis can be very irritating. Because of the unpleasant smell and itching from your lower areas, it can ruin your sex and social life. If you have BV, then it is important to seek out a home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.


    Antibiotic medication is the best way to treat bacterial vaginalisis. Antibiotics will not permanently eliminate BV, and they may even cause harm to your body. This is because antibiotics kill bacteria, no matter how good or bad. You can see that the vagina is naturally full of good bacteria.

    Bad bacteria can overtake the good ones and cause BV and other problems. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria. Antibiotics won’t allow you to do that. This is why you might want to supplement with vitamins, minerals, and herbs. BV can cause severe itching in women. To address the main problem, your first priority should be to reduce the itching. There are many ways to do this.

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    • You can apply Aloe Vera gel to the outside of your genital area or a cold compress. Aloe vera has both soothing properties and healing properties. It may take some effort to relieve the symptoms of BV such as cramping and bloating.
    • You should increase the intake of niacin. You should also increase your intake of omega-6 fatty acid. Both of these things can help reduce cramping and pain.
    • You can also restore your vaginal health by consuming cranberry juice, or taking cranberry supplement pills. Cranberry is well-known for its ability to reduce the risk of developing a urinary tract infection. Most people don’t know that Cranberry can also be used to treat BV by preventing bad bacteria from attaching the the walls of the vagina. It can also be a great help in restoring your vaginal health.


    BV can’t be treated with a single treatment. You might find that there are many natural remedies for BV. You can find many great resources and treatment methods that will help you get rid of BV forever.

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