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    Rebound Baş Ağrıları Nedir?

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    Rebound headaches can be caused by pain medication. It is a choice between suffering now and suffering later. Rebound headaches are a common occurrence, usually occurring daily, often starting in the morning. Rebound headaches can cause anxiety, depression, irritability, and sleeplessness. Migraine medications increase serotonin levels to relieve pain. The problem is that too much medication can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the medication. Research has shown that serotonin levels drop when you take too many pain medications. They then rise slightly when the headaches get better and you stop taking the medication.

    Rebound Baş Ağrıları

    These can occur when prescription or over-the counter drugs are used in excess or in higher amounts than recommended.

    • Caffeine-containing analgesics (Anacin, Excedrin, etc.). Caffeine, which is a main ingredient in many headache medications, can temporarily relieve migraine pain. However, frequent or severe headaches can result from taking caffeine-rich medicines every day. The caffeine could be responsible for some headaches.
    • Your headache may vary in its form, location, severity, and strength. Your pain threshold is lower than average. Over time, you begin to notice an increase in tolerance to analgesics. When you stop taking the medication, you notice a sudden improvement in headache pain. If you are suffering from a primary headache disorder, and you take a lot of preventative medication, you are likely to be a patient.
    • The headache can start at any moment, regardless of how small or complex your brain activity. Any of the following symptoms may accompany a headache: anxiety, depression and difficulty in concentration. When you suddenly stop taking the medication, withdrawal symptoms can occur.
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    Ne yapmalıyım?

    Rebound headaches can be caused by over-use of medication. You must stop taking the drug. Reducing your caffeine intake could help if you have rebound headaches.

    • Before you stop taking headache medications, consult your doctor. Some non-headache medications like beta-blockers or anti-anxiety medication require gradual withdrawal.
    • If the symptoms persist or cause severe nausea and vomiting, the patient (or you) may need to be admitted to hospital.
    • Alternate medications may be given during the first few days. Corticosteroids, dihydroergotamine with or without metoclopramide, NSAIDs (in mild instances) and valproate are some examples of drugs that can be used.
    • No matter what method you use to stop taking your medication, you will experience a worsening headache. Most people feel better within two weeks. However, some headache symptoms may persist for up to four months. Many patients report long-term relief from headaches. One study found that more than 80% of patients experienced significant improvement in their headaches after withdrawal.
      Baş Ağrısı ile Nasıl Başa Çıkılır?



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