    HomePainHow to Identify my Migraine Triggers?

    How to Identify my Migraine Triggers?

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    Many factors can trigger migraines, which may not be obvious to everyone suffering from this debilitating condition. It is important to identify potential migraine triggers in order to reduce or relieve possible attacks. These triggers can be any combination of physiologic, environmental, or dietary factors. They can all lead to migraine activity in the brain. There are many environmental triggers that can cause migraine activity, including odours and bright lights.


    Migraines can be triggered by pains or aches in the neck and head. Neck injuries, pains in the jaw area and sinus pain are the most common. The weather changes can also have an effect on migraine sufferers, with at least 40% of them being affected by changes in the weather. The connection between weather changes and migraines is not yet fully understood. There are many possible food triggers that can cause migraine.

    Proper Diet

    There are many foods that can trigger migraine. You can easily find a list of them all online.

    • Food by-products that can age food.
    • Foods containing certain chemicals.
    • Foods that contain aging by-products can be found in fermented foods like red wine, aged cheeses, fresh bread, and yogurt.
    • MSG (monosodium glutamate), coffee, chocolate, and many prepackaged foods can all cause migraines.
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    Good to know

    Food triggers are not an allergy. They are more likely to be a direct reaction to chemicals in the food. It is common to believe that migraine symptoms are a sign that an individual is allergic to a particular type of food. Some effects can be felt immediately, while others may last for days. To make matters worse, migraine headaches or symptoms can be triggered by multiple triggers.

    Some migraine sufferers can have chocolate or red wine without any problems, but they will experience migraine headaches if they eat red wine and chocolate together. It is recommended that the initial migraine diet plan only addresses the most common migraine triggers. If the migraine persists for more than a few weeks, you may want to consider a more comprehensive migraine plan that eliminates all possible migraine triggers. It may take up to 10 week before the diet plan gives results.


    Stress is one of the most common migraine triggers. Studies have shown that migraine sufferers feel more severe symptoms when they are stressed, tired, or lack of sleep. Hunger, exercise, and pain are all stress triggers. Over-sleeping can also trigger migraines. Over-sleeping can trigger migraines, but it is common, especially if the sufferer isn’t seen. It could be that they need glasses or that their current prescription needs to be updated.

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