    HomePainWhat exactly are Migraine Headaches?

    What exactly are Migraine Headaches?

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    A migraine is a headache, but not any headache. A headache is usually a mild nuisance that lasts for about 30 minutes to an hour before it goes away. Migraines can be very different. They can be extremely painful, can last for days, and can leave you feeling completely exhausted and depleted. They can cause severe headaches, which can make it impossible to function normally. Why are they called migraines The name is a mix of Greek and French, but the original root word was “hemicrania”, which roughly translates into “half skull” (or “half head”).


    This term was chosen because most people have migraines on one side of the head (unilateral), rather than both. If you experience bilateral headaches frequently, you should consult your family doctor immediately. How is a migraine headache different from a normal headache? An average headache can be caused by tension, or “brain freeze”, if you eat too much ice-cream.

    These headaches can be quickly treated with a mild painkiller and rest. Migraines can be caused by many things. It’s not easy to understand why they occur. For years, doctors believed that migraines were vascular. They were caused by blood flow problems in the brain. As the condition was further investigated, other possible causes were discovered.

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    Hormonal Imbalance

    One of these was an imbalance in serotonin levels. This makes sense as migraines are more common in people who are angry, upset, or feeling down. Why do people get migraines? There is strong evidence to suggest that migraines are a genetic trait. This means that you are more likely to inherit them from your parents. Other than that, migraines are more common in women than in men.

    There are so many migraine triggers that it is difficult to list them all. A migraine attack can be triggered by bright lights, too many caffeine, too much nicotine, excessive red wine, tea, or chocolate, as well as stress and lack of sleep. Sometimes, a migraine can be triggered by a combination of a lack in sleep and food. What are the symptoms of a migraine?


    Aura is the first sign of migraine. Aura is when you see blurred vision, zig-zagging lines or double vision. Sometimes, you might feel a bitter or sour taste when the migraine begins. A migraine is characterized by intense, throbbing pains on one side of the head. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, or pain in your eye socket. These are not your typical headaches. It’s often difficult to distinguish between a migraine or a tension headache by simply looking at someone. You’ll never forget a migraine and will do everything you can to prevent them from happening again.

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