    HomeProduct ReviewCauses and Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction and Treatments with Potencialex

    Causes and Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction and Treatments with Potencialex

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    What is erectile dysfunction?

    Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is a condition that prevents you from having an erection. This can also mean that your erections are not as strong or long-lasting or you are unhappy about their size.

    ED was previously thought to be due to psychological problems. Now, it is known that ED can be caused by physical problems in most men. This condition is often caused by a low blood supply to the penis.

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    Who are at greatest risk of erectile dysfunction?

    Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of many health issues, such as:

    • Prostate problems
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Hypogonadism is a condition in which the hormones are not produced properly by the testicles.
    • High blood pressure
    • Vascular disease and vascular surgeries
    • Heart disease and heart failure
    • Cholesterol levels high
    • Low HDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol)
    • Nervous system disorders
    • Curvature of penis (Peyronie’s disease)
    • Depression, anxiety, or stress
    • Alcohol use
    • Problems in relationships
    • Many chronic diseases, including kidney disease and dialysis, are common.
    • Smoking can worsen the effects of other risk factors like high blood pressure or vascular disease.
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    What is the treatment for erectile dysfunction?

    The cause of ED will determine the treatment. These are some of the possible treatments:

    • Lifestyle changes. These include quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption.
    • Examine your medication. It may be necessary to change or reduce medications that are associated with ED.
    • Psychotherapy. It can be used for stress reduction and anxiety related to sexual intercourse.
    • Prescription medication that is taken orally. These medications are commonly used to treat ED. There are many types of medications.
    • Prescription medication that is injected into the penis, or inserted into your urethra. Another option is to use this method.
    • Testosterone therapy. Low testosterone may increase energy, mood, or sex drive in older men. Men with normal testosterone levels are not advised to use it. There is a possibility of prostate hypertrophy, and other side effects.
    • Vacuum devices. These devices can be used to induce erection using a partial vacuum that draws blood into the penis. To keep the blood from leaking, a plastic ring is placed around the penis’ base.
    • Implant penile. If other treatments fail, this is done by surgery. These are the types of implants that can be used to treat ED.
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    How can erectile dysfunction be diagnosed?

    Examine your medical and sexual history. These records may help to identify conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction. This can help the doctor distinguish between erection problems, ejaculation and sexual desire.

    • Physical examination: This is to determine if there is an underlying problem.
      • Problems in the nervous system. This problem could be caused by a penis that reacts differently to certain touch points.
      • Secondary sexual characteristics. Hair growth may indicate hormonal problems in the endocrine systems.
      • Abnormal penile characteristics. This could be the reason for ED.
    • Laboratory tests: These tests may include blood cell counts and urinalysis. Low sex drive can be a sign of a problem in the endocrine systems.
    • Penile ultrasound: This is used to measure blood flow in penis.
    • Psychosocial examination: This helps to identify psychological factors that could be affecting your performance. Interviews may also be conducted with your sexual partner.

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