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    How To Get Healthy Hair?

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    A woman’s beauty is enhanced by her thick, shiny and voluminous hair. There are many factors that promote healthy hair growth. Both men and women are experiencing hair loss. Many men experience baldness in their early years of life. Many hair products claim to be the best for making hair shiny and healthy. These products can cause hair damage and should not be trusted blindly.

    Hair Growth

    You can naturally increase hair growth by using several home remedies for hair care. Since ancient times, people have tried and tested many things at home to solve hair problems. You don’t have to spend thousands of rupees for medical treatments that can also have side effects. Home remedies are simple, cost-effective, and do not cause hair damage.

    A balanced diet is the best way to naturally treat your hair. Hair loss can be prevented by eating green vegetables, eggs, vegetable oils, honey and fruits.

    Take Note

    • Onion Juice is believed to be very effective in promoting hair growth. This home remedy is probably the oldest and most effective. Apply the oil to your scalp and leave it there for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with mild shampoo.
    • Eggs have been used to treat hair loss since ancient times. They are high in protein, sulphur and zinc as well as iron and phosphorus.
    • Fenugreek seed extract helps to accelerate hair growth and protect its natural color. Mix 2 teaspoons coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder and let it sit on your head for 30 min.
    • Coconut milk is the best choice for healthy hair. Coconut milk is high in iron, potassium and other nutrients. Coconut milk can be applied to the affected area. Leave it on for at least one night and then wash it off the next day with mild shampoo.
    • The antioxidants in green tea can help prevent hair loss. Warm green tea can be applied to your scalp. Leave it on for at least an hour. It’s very effective in maintaining a healthy scalp and encouraging hair growth.
    • The magical properties of Indian gooseberry can treat any hair problem.
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