    ГоловнаБільЯк керувати симптомами мігрені?

    Як керувати симптомами мігрені?

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    Migraines are a very common problem in the UK, where as high as 10% of the population is affected. They are characterized by severe headaches on one side of the skull and often accompany other symptoms. There are two types of migraines: migraine with an aura or migraine without an aura. The first type of migraine is preceded by symptoms like temporary visual loss, flashing lights, speech problems, and numbness in the face or lips. The latter type has no symptoms.


    What are the symptoms for Migraine? The most common symptoms are mood swings, increased food cravings, and anxiety. Migraine attacks can be felt on one side of your head and may last from four to 72 hours. A quick remedy for Migraine attacks is to lie down in darkened rooms. How can you get Migraine? Although it’s not known what causes migraines, experts believe that changes in blood vessels and neurotransmitter levels in the brain are the main reasons.

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    Migraines can also be caused by fatigue, stress, dehydration and missed or delayed meals. In some cases, even certain foods like tea, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol can trigger migraines.

    Дитяча мігрень

    У якому віці можуть початися мігрені в дитинстві? Дитячі мігрені - це звичайна реальність, яку часто не визнають. Згідно з повідомленнями, 25% дітей у Великобританії можуть мати мігрень. Ці діти переважно у віці від 7 до 15 років. Шість років - це середній вік, коли у дітей починаються мігрені.

    Premonitory symptoms, such as mood changes, appetite, thirst, and arousal, are the most common signs of migraines in children. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light, photophobia, phonophobia, sound, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue and depression.


    Although you can manage your Migraine symptoms, there is no permanent cure. There are many treatments that can be used to treat migraines. These include painkillers, acupuncture, osteopathy and yoga. If you still experience migraine attacks, or if these treatments prove to be ineffective, you should consult a doctor.

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