    HomePainWhat Can I Do For Headaches?

    What Can I Do For Headaches?

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    Many suffer from headaches that can be both annoying and debilitating. Chronic headaches can be a significant burden on relationships, finances, and work productivity. This article will explain the various types of headaches as well as a possible treatment to treat them.

    Types of headaches

    Many people get confused when it comes to classifying different types of headaches. Experts use different terminology and it can be difficult to understand what is being said and how to respond. Let’s start by categorizing headaches. Tension headaches are the most common type. This is also known as a tension headache, or a muscular tension headache. It can occur on either side of the head. It could be in the forehead area. It could also be at the back of your head.

    It could be near the temples. It can often combine several areas of the head. It is not very bothersome, mildly irritating, and doesn’t disrupt one’s day. It could also be used to treat a mild common cold. Sinus headaches are another type of headache. This is located on the forehead, between the eyes and nose, and around the cheekbones. It can be caused by seasonal changes or weather, but it can also happen randomly. This pain can also be caused by a mild common illness. Migraine headaches are the next type of headache.

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    Migraine headaches

    These are usually only on one side. In practice, however, I have found that it can sometimes be on both the left and right sides of the head. A prodrome is a term that describes migraines. A prodrome refers to a series of signals that occur prior to the onset of the headache. These signals can be visual, such as squiggly lines or loss of peripheral vision. Other signals include fluttering sounds or the feeling of a blocked ear.

    Migraines can be debilitating and can cause nausea and vomiting. A cold compress may be applied to the forehead of the sufferer and they will need to lie down in a darkened room. This condition could be a sign of flu.

    Cluster headaches

    These are a less common type of headache. Cluster headaches can be described as follows. Cluster headaches are a series debilitating headaches with varying symptoms. They can be so severe that one may need to visit an emergency room, urgent care center, or hospital. Sometimes, the patient may need a corticosteroid IV injection or injection to manage their pain. This condition could be considered to be pneumonia.

    Pathological headaches can also be caused by tumors, infections or cancer. These conditions must be treated by a doctor and should not be included in this article. In my many decades of chiropractic practice, I have helped many patients with headaches. As part of my initial evaluation of patients suffering with headaches of different types, I check the alignment and movement the upper bones of your neck. These bones are called vertebrae, and the cervical spine is the upper neck area. It is possible for the upper cervical spine to move improperly or misaligned. This can cause nerve damage and joint problems. Most headaches are related to the above.

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    Final note

    Chiropractic adjustments are a method that chiropractors use to help headache sufferers. They restore the proper alignment and movement. This helps to normalize the nerves, joints, and muscles in this area. Many patients notice a significant improvement in their headaches. Other non-drug treatments can also be used to treat headaches. These include massage, acupuncture, and cupping therapy.

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