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    Are carbon nanotubes toxic? Mice that have inhaled multilayer carbon nanotubes in a single dose have traces of these nanotubes in their lungs and after several weeks have developed lung fibrosis, one of the causes of lung cancer.


    James Bonner of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh, USA, and colleagues have exposed mice to aerosols of nanoparticles (multilayer carbon nanotubes) for 6 hours at both high doses of 30 milligrams per cubic meter and low doses of 1 milligram per cubic meter. At high doses, macrophages, a type of white blood cell that phagocytizes foreign elements, engulfed the nanotubes and drove them through the bronchi and bronchioles.

    Dibujo20091029 Macrophages Engulfed Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Carried Them To Lung Linig

    Several weeks after exposure, these mice developed pulmonary fibrosis (small scars in the airways) of the subpleural type. At low doses these effects are not observed as well as at high doses of carbon nanoparticles.

    Pulmonary Fibrosis

    It is associated with the development of some lung cancers. Although the study does not prove it directly, it could be that the inhalation of carbon nanotubes may be the cause of the development of lung tumors. Workers in nanotechnology companies who deal with nanotubes on a daily basis should be aware of these studies: they should try as far as possible not to breathe an environment laden with nanotubes.

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    They tell us about it in “Nanotoxicology: Lung penetration” 在此阅读, Nature 461: 1176, October 29, 2009, echoing the technical paper Jessica P. Ryman-Rasmussen et al. “Inhaled carbon nanotubes reach the subpleural tissue in mice” 在此阅读, Nature Nanotechnology, Published online: October 25, 2009.



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