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    Qu'est-ce que la maladie thyroïdienne auto-immune ?

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    There have been a number of studies conducted which have demonstrated the powerful connection between gluten intolerance and autoimmune thyroid diseases or AITD like Grave’s and Hashimoto’s diseases. The researchers in the analysis highly recommend that everyone diagnosed should also be assessed for AITD and vice versa.


    Apparently the cause is a case of mistaken identity. This is because gliadin, which is a kind of protein found in gluten has a close resemblance with that of the thyroid gland. When gliadin penetrates into the blood by breaking up the protective barrier that’s found in a person’s gut, the immune system will instantly target it for destruction. After an intolerance occurs, if you continue eating foods which contain gluten, your immune system will keep on attacking your thyroid.

    Unfortunately, our body’s immune reaction to gluten can last for six months. Sadly, the 80/20 rule doesn’t apply to intolerance. This would indicate that a diet that is”mostly” gluten-free doesn’t completely put an end to this autoimmune attack. If you really wish to avoid the immune destruction of your thyroid, you’ve got to be firm about being 100% gluten free. Unfortunately, an individual can’t rely solely on standard laboratory tests to have the ability to confirm that they’re intolerant.

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    Standard testing is only going to test for antibodies to gluten which are already in the blood. However, these antibodies in the blood can only be viewed when the gut has become permeable enough for gluten to successfully pass through – and this is already an advanced phase of intolerance. This would indicate that regular lab tests can only detect complex cases of gluten intolerance and physicians would miss a good deal of gluten intolerance cases which are still in milder stages.

    Stool analysis may turn out to be quite valuable in detecting earlier phases of gluten intolerance. This is because feces analysis can detect antibodies while they’re still in the digestive tract and haven’t yet reached into the blood. This was the identical method used that helped specialists discover that nearly 35 percent of Americans have a gluten intolerance.

    Prenez note

    Another method proven to be very valuable in analyzing gluten intolerance is the cheek swab test that helps determine specific kinds of genes which are linked to celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Individuals who have HLA DQ genes have been found to have higher risks of celiac disease, gluten intolerance and autoimmune disease compared to the general population.

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    It’s unfortunate to note that lots of instances of gluten intolerance are left untreated or undetected because some doctors and patients have the misunderstanding that this condition only results in digestive issues.


    What a lot of folks don’t understand is that it may also cause inflammation to the brain, respiratory tract, skin and joints where the effects don’t have any obvious signs of leaky gut. If you have thyroid issues and suspect to have a gluten intolerance, seek identification immediately. Remember that earlier detection leads to earlier treatment which can largely lower your risks of autoimmune diseases or AITD and other ailments related to a gluten tolerance.


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