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    Maharshi Ramana? Yoga og pusteøvelser

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    Vi kommer nå til den siste av disse seks renselsene, kjent som "renselse av hodeskallen" (kapalabhati). Denne kan deles inn i tre typer, beskrevet som prosedyrer (a) for atmosfære og (b og c) for Dater. I (a) har vi bare tegning av luft gjennom venstre nesebor og dens utvisning gjennom riktig, etterfulgt av omvendt prosedyre. Det er spesielt spesifisert at innpust (puraka) og utpust (rechaka) må gjøres uten kraft, og at det gjøres for å fremme helse, i form av...

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    In (b) water is drawn in through the nostrils and gradually sent out through the mouth, while in (c) that the procedure is reversed, water being taken to the mouth and sent out through the uterus. One has seen the drinking throughout the uterus occasionally being done by dipping the nose in a bowl of water and sucking on the liquid in, and at times using a glass and out of it drinking the water at one of the uterus, Just as one beverages orally.

    It’s especially noted that the last two practices are conducive to ease of moving and the warding-off of older age. Nearly all the practices we’ve mentioned above are described in other publications too. In this connexion the Hathayoga Pradpika and the Shiva Sanhita might be specially mentioned. In the foregoing practices described in this chapter, purification is highlighted. We have also to take into consideration, however, another category of exercises termed madras.

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    Some them have already been given in our Chapter 6, since they’re combined with breathings or postures. We’ll now give a brief account of other significant exercise; so this sort. The Abdominal Uplift (Uddzyana bandha). Standing or sitting, draw the entire’abdominal area inward and ups ward, numerous times. If a person does it a hundred times a day that the muscles will get powerful and habituated the’natural corset’ position.

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    At the conclusion of the exercises, if the movement was repeated many times or just a few, an individual should stop with the indrawn and lifted position. No doubt, while attending to other duties the muscles will drop down again, but you shouldn’t offer a voluntary assent for this position. While performing breathing exercises, says that the yogakundali Upanishad, one needs to do the abdominal uplift at the end of a breath-holding (kumbhaka), only in the start of the out breathing (rechaka).

    It’s also, though, a very good practice to prepare the position or maintain (barulha) before starting an exercise in deep breathing, and keep it throughout the entire exercise. This prevents deep breath from being over-done, to the detriment of the abdominal region. The uddiyana can also be one of these exercises that cart 1 done in bed, and is then useful before the comfort that’s conducive to good sleep.

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    With just a little practice together with thoughtful attention it’ll be discovered that one can do the backward and up action of the uddiyana towards the ideal side or towards the left side. This is a practical version of the abdominal uplift. A additional practice is to uplift the left and right sides at exactly the exact same time; this leaves a ridge at the middle, and is known as nauli. By a combination of these moves one after the other it is possible to provide the appearance that the while abdominal contents are in rotation.



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