    InícioRemédio caseiroExistem Dicas de Tratamento da Acne em Casa?

    Existem Dicas de Tratamento da Acne em Casa?

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    Acne vulgaris refers to an inflammatory skin disease. It is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous unit (skin structures that consist of a hair folliculcle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne lesions are also known as spots, pimples and plukes.

    Factor Hormonal

    Acne is caused by hormones and other substances acting on the oil glands (sebaceous) and hair follicles. These factors can cause clogged pores and the appearance of zits, also known as pimples. Acne lesions are most common on the neck, chest, shoulders, back, chest, chest, and face. While acne is not usually a major health concern, it can cause significant emotional distress.

    Severe acne can cause permanent scarring. Acne isn’t just a problem for teens. It can also affect anyone from 10 to 40. Acne can develop in women especially in their 20’s. Acne is caused by oil glands (sebaceous), that become active around puberty, which is stimulated by male hormones.

    Tenha em mente

    Oil is a natural substance that lubricates and protects skin. In certain circumstances, oil can block the openings to sebaceous glands, causing a buildup of oil beneath. The oil stimulates bacteria (which are found in all skin types and cause no problems) to multiply, causing inflammation in surrounding tissues. There are many myths surrounding acne.

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    Although chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed for acne, there is not much evidence to support this claim. Another myth is that acne is caused by dirty skin. However, pimples and blackheads are not caused primarily by dirt. Although stress doesn’t cause acne it can make it worse. Some patients may experience severe acne from wearing collars, chinstraps, helmets, or other pressures. Acne can appear on the shoulders, back, chest, and neck.


    Acne can happen to anyone, but it’s more common in teens and young adults. Although it is not dangerous, it can cause scarring.

    • Fresh limejuice can be used to treat pimples and blackheads. Mix 1 tsp fresh Coriander powder with a pinch turmeric powder. Apply to black heads and pimples. Leave on for a night and then wash off the next day.
    • Mix nutmeg (Jaiphal), with some raw milk. Apply to pimples and blackheads for 20 minutes or longer. Keep going for between 10-12 days until your face is clear. Use a piece sandalwood to rub dry skin on a stone. Apply the paste to the affected areas. Continue this process for one hour.

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