    InícioRemédio caseiroExistem Remédios Herbais para as Enxaquecas?

    Existem Remédios Herbais para as Enxaquecas?

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    Migraine can be described as a headache that causes nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Migraine sufferers may need help to stop the throbbing pain and discomfort. Migraines can be caused by the onset or progression of the monthly period, also known as Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS).

    Factor Hormonal

    This is not alarming as the cause is hormonal imbalance. Despite medical advancements, scientists are still not able to determine the root cause of migraines. It is best to consult your family physician if you experience frequent or severe migraines. This could be a sign of a more serious illness. There are many prescription drugs that can be used to treat migraines.

    These medications should be taken as soon as migraine symptoms appear. There may be side effects such as insomnia and sedation. These drugs can also cause sexual dysfunction.

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    • Feverfew. This herb is well-recognized for its ability to prevent migraines and it is believed to be effective for around 70% of migraine sufferers. This herb contains a phytochemical called Pathenolide that can help with migraines. This herb can reduce nausea and vomiting associated with migraines. The recommended daily intake is 125mg of dried leaf preparation with.2% Parthenolide.
    • Butterbur. This shrub-like plant produces an extract that can be used to treat allergies, migraines, stomach cramps, stomach cramps, and coughs. It is native to Europe, Asia, and parts of North America. It is a member of the ragweed family, so people who are allergic to ragweed should be cautious about using it.
    • California poppy. This herb is a muscle relaxant with pain relieving properties that can help with migraines. This herb has not been associated with any side effects.
    • Lavender and peppermint oils. These oils can be mixed and rubbed into the temples to reduce migraines.
    • Eucalyptus oil can also be used. Skullcap. This herb has sedative qualities that help reduce stress, anxiety, and muscular tension.
    • Onion and garlic. These ingredients are great for cooking and also make great home remedies. They help to reduce blood clotting and thin the blood. Migraines are often caused by clotting.
    • Gingko Balboa is another anti-clotting herb. Gingko Balboa should be taken at 240 mg per day.
    • Willow. Salicin is a chemical found in the bark of the Willow tree. It is similar to active ingredients in Aspirin. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This herb should not be taken by people who are allergic to aspirin.
    • Cayenne. Cayenne, like other peppers has Capsaicin. This increases the pain threshold. It is often used as a nasal spray.
    • Kava-Kava. This herb has a mellowing action that can be helpful in stress-related headaches.
    • Valerian is another recommended herb for migraines that are caused by stress.
    • Rosemary. Rosemary, like peppermint and lavender oils can be used externally.
    • Massage the temples and forehead with Rosemary oil to relieve migraine.
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