    InícioSistema ImunitárioA gordura do ventre pode melhorar o seu sistema imunitário?

    A gordura do ventre pode melhorar o seu sistema imunitário?

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    All of us know that belly fat is related to serious health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer. But a new study has demonstrated that belly fat can be useful in repairing tissue and enhancing your immune system. There’s a fatty membrane, called the omentum that lingers in the gut, which is situated in most animals and has been recently regarded as useless in humans.


    This membrane aligns the organs found in the gut and plays the role as storage for fat. I know that belly fat might appear unnecessary for most of us due to the damaging effects and unattractiveness but there’s a reason why the belly fat is there after all. This study that demonstrated the advantages of belly fat was led by Makio Iwashima, PhD, associate professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.

    The omentum cells of mice were analyzed by researchers to find out whether the cells had some effects on the reaction of the immune system. I speculate that the omentum cells of humans and mice are similar so that is why the mice have been utilized in this particular study. Researchers were looking to decide whether the omentum cells had some influence on the T-lymphocyte cells. T-cells are a really essential part of the immune system reaction, which generally play as the first defense to dangerous bacteria.

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    When T-cells discover germs or an infection, the cells will multiply to fight off the foreign body to shield your immune system. When the omentum cells where paired up with energetic and generating T-cells, the T-lymphocyte cells died instead of multiply. Unfortunately the omentum cells had no effect on T-cells which were inactive. According to investigators, omentum cells are used to modulate the body’s reaction to harmful bacteria and contribute to controlling the immune system reaction.

    Possibly, in the future, omentum cells might be an asset to create new drugs which would suppress the immune system but with lesser side effects than the immune-suppressing drugs which are currently available. The other intriguing part of belly fat was its significant role in repairing damaged tissue. Researchers discovered mesenchymal stem cells, which can be used by the body to regenerate damaged tissue. The stem cells will travel into the region of the injury to fix damaged tissue that’s crucial to wound healing. Rather than being a issue, belly fat might be quite helpful to human survival.

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    It’s been found by researchers to fix damaged tissue, help regulate the immune system and heal wounds that are amazing. In the next few years, belly fat might be a choice for new medical treatments for autoimmune ailments and organ transplants. With that said, it’s still important to eat healthy and exercise on a daily basis. Even if it is a fast walk through the park it is far better than doing nothing at all and a excellent start. Remember to check with your physician before making any major diet or exercise changes to make sure that it is healthy for you.


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