    HomeHome RemedyAre There Safe Natural Remedies For Headache Pain?

    Are There Safe Natural Remedies For Headache Pain?

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    Headache pain can be a serious problem. Many people have pain relief in their homes, office cabinets, desk drawers, medicine cabinets, handbags and briefcases. We can’t function well, think straight or sleep at night without relief. To alleviate suffering in this fast-paced world, it is easy to find a solution.

    Let’s understand it

    These pills are not free. Your body will tell you if you have headaches that it is suffering from some sort of stress. Adding synthetic substances to an already strained body is only adding to the problem. However, if we need quick relief, we often do it anyway. Any type of pain can be seen as a direct message from our wisest selves if we look at it holistically.

    Head pain is a sign of a life that is not in balance. It speaks volumes about society as a whole that almost everyone has access to pain pills. We can learn about different solutions to our ailments and help us move away from the madness to find the balance point. When you experience headaches, the first thing you should consider is whether you are constipated. This is a controversial topic, but it is important because your bowels need to move.

    What to do?

    Next, check your blood sugar and hydration levels. Is your liver working well? These are the things that will make your head pain lessen dramatically. These are all things you can control. These factors are directly linked to your actions, including what you eat. Eye strain, chemical exposures, allergies, hormone fluctuations and structural misalignment are all contributing factors.

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    Most likely, your headaches are a result of a combination or several interrelated factors.


    What can you do to bring your body back into balance and live a more holistic life? Start by listening to your headaches. What are your headaches telling you? Are you overeating, drinking too much alcohol, allergic to certain foods, or not eating enough nutrition? Do you allow yourself enough time to relax, unwind, and rest your eyes? Is your liver clogged up with toxins? Are you surrounded by worries and scary thoughts? Is your upper body tightened and tense from the workaday world? I’m sure you could say, “All of the above.”

    This is why painkillers are always within arm’s reach. There are many things you could do to make your headaches disappear.

    Natural Treatment

    Some of these treatments take a while to work, which can be a problem for those who are more fast-paced. Burdock, for example, is not a quick remedy, but it can powerfully heal you from within. There are many effective treatments. Here are ten to get you started. You can find tinctures, teas, as well as essential oils at natural food markets, or online. Essential oils should only be made from the highest quality oils. These are ten simple and inexpensive ways to relieve headache pain.

    • Nettles tea can help stabilize blood sugar levels and relieve chronic headaches. It can also be made into a tincture.
    • The roots and leaves of Dandelion nourish and strengthen the liver, allowing it to better process toxins. Use the leaves to make salads, tinctures, or as a tea.
    • Burdock root is a great addition to dandelion for headache pain relief. It cleanses the blood and feeds your liver. Use fresh burdock root in soups and tinctures.
    • A cup of violet leaf tea throughout the day can calm the mind, soothe headaches, and calm frazzled nerves.
    • Oats can improve the nervous system, increase clarity of thinking, and reduce pain. Include oatmeal in your diet.
    • Peppermint essential oil reduces pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can be applied to the soles of your feet, temples or directly to the painful area. Avoid direct contact with your eyes.
    • Lavender essential oil is known for its ability to calm, relax, and balance. Apply to your temples and behind your neck.
    • Listen to Baroque music. It puts your brainwaves into Alpha, where you can relax your mind and feel at ease.
    • You can put your feet in a tub of warm water, to which you have added Epsom salts and a few drops rosemary or lavender essential oils. This will help you to detoxify and balance your energy.
    •  Breathe slowly and with awareness. To calm your nerves, stretch or practice yoga.
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