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    How To Give Up Smoking?

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    If you’re substance-addicted, this may be accompanied or caused by the inability to meet at least one of your deepest desires. Many smokers argue they can’t stop smoking if they always see others smoking. Others don’t want to manage the potentially unbearable withdrawal symptoms that often accompany a sudden abstinence from smoking.

    How To Stop?

    Quite a lot of people were able to stop smoking, but when they suddenly put on plenty of weight, they resumed the habit. Most smokers who would like to end their dependence feel they don’t have sufficient willpower to quit smoking. Why are we giving a little cigarette such great power it is ready to rule over our freedom to make conscious decisions in our life? Smoking, like any other addictive habit, is only a symptom of an underlying emptiness or lack of some type.

    What’s really missing in our lives that we continue to want replacements? This question is not possible to answer in this context because of vast number of potential answers, many of which may just be known by himself. But the need to smoke can become very helpful in as much as it can disclose and really overcome this internal lack, whatever it might be. Rather than criticizing or judging yourself for giving your energy into a habit which has the potential to make you sick or kill you, you can find out a whole lot out of it and make yourself feel whole again.

    Take note

    Because you may be unable to comprehend the underlying message that smoking involves, you usually resign yourself to the anticipation that stopping the habit is a hard and frustrating task. Yet smoking can cause you to be aware that you’re no longer completely in charge of your own life, and even provide you with a way to regain that control. I am a victim of some sort, and that I’m suffering from low self-worth.

    There’s part of me which I believe weak and insufficient. Part of me isn’t alive and well. The act of smoking makes me acknowledge in a manner that my desire for a cigarette is greater than my desire to remain healthy or, in other words, to appreciate myself. It’s quite hard to quit smoking or other addictions for as long as I maintain this inherent weakness, suggested by such exclamations as”I can not give it up” or”I go crazy if I do not have my cigarettes”.

    Similar to using a thorn to extract another thorn, learning how to give up the practice of smoking could be among the very best strategies to uproot any inherent incompetence and dependency on your life. By suppressing or combating the habitual urge to smoke, you feed it with a lot of your energies. This all but raises the addiction.


    Desires are interested in being fulfilled, or at least we should be able to determine whether we want to meet them or not. The addiction to smoking, which reflects a deficiency in inner competence and completeness, can actually become a very effective procedure to fill up you and regain conscious control over your lifetime. What exactly does that mean, you are going to ask. Smoking isn’t the problem you will need to combat.

    Just seeing smoking as an addiction that may have horrible effects is a gloomy idea, and fighting it does not increase your self-esteem. Even in the event that you succeed in stopping this habit, you still have not recovered your internal sense of freedom and therefore are most likely to develop an addiction to something else, such as eating sweets, drinking alcohol or having sex. Rather than waging a war against your stress or inadequate self-confidence, all you will need to do is increase that feeling of inner freedom to make your own decisions in life. If understood and addressed properly, smoking may be among the most significant things that’s ever happened to you. It can cause you to embrace a totally new way of thinking, thereby reshaping your own destiny.

    If you’re a smoker and desire to give up the habit, first you need to comprehend your addiction isn’t an accidental error you made during one of your lower moments in life. You’ve created this habit to not suffer for this, but to learn from it. It’s very likely to remain with you or transform into a different addictive habit until this day when you have acquired the capability to refer all power of fulfilling your desires back to yourself.


    Giving up smoking isn’t about stopping one addictive habit merely to embrace another one; it’s all about regaining your sense of free will. To use one’s willpower to fight an undesirable habit is defeating its purpose and likely to backfire because fighting something is based on the assumption that you’re being assaulted or in some type of danger. With what we know now about the potent mind/body connection, the anxiety that underlies the struggle against an addiction is sufficient to maintain the cells of the human body jittery, nervous and dysfunctional. They can never discover the peace, equilibrium, and energy they require to be able to be’happy’ cells for as long as the fear of not being in control prevails from the awareness of the master. The enzyme-based messages which cells are sending to the mind and heart are easy cries for support. The host interprets these signs, however, as depression and nervousness.

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    To ‘conquer’ the distress, at least for a few moments, the host feels forced to catch the next cigarette or find another drink. Each time the distress reemerges, he or she feels defeated and diminished, and thus the dependence carries on. True willpower, however, is all about learning how to make conscious decisions.

    Take note

    Addictions stick like glue to everybody who wants to overcome them. They’re the’ghosts of memory’ that reside within our subconscious and pop up each time that the addictive substance is in sight or is imagined. The subsequent urge isn’t under conscious control, thus the feeling of’dying’ for a cigarette, a cup of coffee, or a bar of chocolate. It’s essential, though, to understand that you have a choice.

    This is all you want to learn in regards to beating an addiction. You can’t successfully exorcise the ghost of memory by throwing away your cigarettes, avoiding your smoking friends, or living in a smoke-free atmosphere. Society has condemned the action of smoking so much that lots of smokers feel deprived of the feeling of personal freedom they must feel so as to make their own choices in life. If you’re a sensitive person, bear in mind that a nagging spouse, a physician, and the warning written on cigarette packs that smoking is detrimental to your health may make you feel ridden with guilt.

    When all this external pressure succeeds in making you quit smoking, you may continue to feel ashamed of your free will and, therefore, start looking for other more socially acceptable forms of dependence. All of us remember our childhood days when our parents told us to not eat chocolate or wouldn’t permit us to watch television once we wanted. The subconscious mind reacts negatively when it’s deprived of its ability to make decisions or if it feels pressured to do something against its will. Disappointments resulting from being unable to meet one’s desires can accumulate and result in an inner emptiness that wishes to be filled.

    Why is this so?

    Smoking is merely a subconscious rebellion against the outside manipulation of our freedom to select what we desire, and it seems to fill that uncomfortable space inside, at least for a little while. However, this internal lack can only deteriorate indefinitely if we’ve recovered the freedom to make our own decisions. You have to know that you’re free to smoke whenever you like and as often you like. For those who have a cigarette and a match to light it, then you will surely find a way to smoke it, too.

    The unconscious association of smoking, together with all the other’don’ts’ on yesteryear, will be negated by accepting your urge to smoke. I had my first cigarette when I entered high school at age ten. I felt like a criminal because the law said I was only permitted to smoke when I was sixteen years old. My parents were certainly strictly against smoking. Years of hiding my’secret’ in my parents and my teachers left me with no other option but to continue smoking before I felt I had a choice.

    When I eventually obtained the legal permission to smoke, I lost interest and opted to quit. I managed to give up the habit at once, with no withdrawal symptoms. The first and most important step to stop smoking is to give yourself permission to smoke. Guilt in the act of smoking is only going to keep you from gaining satisfaction and urge you to have another cigarette which may’at last’ give you exactly what you’ve been on the lookout for. But you aren’t really looking for the brief feeling of satisfaction that smoking supplies but for the lost freedom to make your own decisions in life.

    By trying to avoid lighting up, you deprive yourself of the possible satisfaction. The resistance to smoking generates strong psychosomatic side effects. These are referred to as withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms may include depression, lack of interest in life, insomnia, anger, nausea, ravenous appetite, obesity, cardiovascular disease, lack of concentration, and vibration. However, these signs can only manifest if you think you’ve been deprived of your freedom to smoke. Don’t fight your urge to smoke.

    About the urge

    Contrary to general belief, to give up smoking you don’t have to abolish your urge to smoke. You’re going to begin giving up the habit automatically as soon as you decide not to follow your urge to smoke each and every time you have it (the urge to smoke).This will take the fuel from your subconscious, rebellious mind and stop you short of becoming a victim of outside forces, situations or individuals. A master of yourself, you may opt to smoke or decide not to smoke. Keep your cigarettes with you as long as you think you wish to get this choice. It might even be a great idea to encourage your urge to smoke by maintaining your cigarette pack before you, smelling it from time to time.

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    Watch others around you light up and inhale, imagining that you inhale deeply also. Don’t count the days that pass with no smoking and don’t look ahead in time . You neither should prove to yourself to anyone else which you can overcome this addiction. In actuality, you don’t need to beat it whatsoever. You need to gain from it. You’re neither a much better person if you stop, nor are you a worse person if you don’t. You’re free to stop smoking now and start again tomorrow. You will always have this option, and you’ll always be just a puff off from being a smoker, exactly like the rest of us.

    The option of training and using your free will must be made at the ever-present moment, right now, and must be carried out anew repeatedly many times every day. The longer the intervals during which you actualize your decision to not smoke, the more rapidly reduces your desire to smoke, getting less intense daily. Whenever the urge to smoke yields, which is possible since the ghost of memory does not only leave your subconscious overnight, you’re once more forced to make a new option. This time, however, your conscious mind finds it a lot easier to stay with its previous successful choice due to the recently improved self-confidence and self-esteem. Setbacks don’t exist within this program; just exercising your freedom of choice does. One way or another, you’re in charge.

    The mindful retraining of your mind will benefit your whole life. It will restore your power of using your free will and eliminate the’sufferer’ within you. Because you were told numerous times in your life which you can’t do this or can’t do that, you started to use this belief dogma to take your dependence as being too tricky to stop. By reclaiming your power of creating conscious choices you’ll have the ability to break the self-fulfilling’I can not’ pattern in your life once and for all. This will become a fantastic advantage in every part of your life.

    Priority factor

    Make ending your addiction a priority in your life. Don’t attempt to create a lot of other changes in your life at precisely the exact same time. Don’t reward yourself for finishing the habit; quitting is enough of a reward. It’s good to not tell anyone about your intention to stop smoking since this just undermines your freedom to choose to smoke. Carry your tobacco or cigarettes on you, so you may decide to smoke whenever you choose to. Also, people will assume you’re still smoking; this way you do not need to prove to anybody that you’re capable of stopping the habit. Unless for health reasons, do not try to avoid places where other people smoke; you would like to stay in charge under all conditions.

    Realize that unless you’re traveling on a plane or a bus you’re always free to smoke if you want to, even in the event that you must do it from the cold air. Avoid substituting items such as coffee, tea, chocolate, chewing gum, more exercise, drinking mineral water, etc. . cigarettes, as they won’t satisfy your urge to smoke in the long term. Choose a starting time of your program to stop smoking that doesn’t coincide with the emotional upheaval or stressful situation. It’s ideal to join the starting date with a positive event in your lifetime. New moon day is one of the best times to begin quitting. Acknowledge your urge to smoke when it comes up by saying to yourself:”I really have the urge to smoke today and I feel free to do so, but right now I decide to not smoke.” When the urge to smoke returns in an hour or so, you might opt to fulfill this time. This will teach you to consciously accept your desire to smoke, but not necessarily fulfill it. By choosing not to smoke every time the desire emerges, you train your brain to make conscious decisions.

    Often, your urge to smoke is coupled with hints like drinking a cup of coffee, the ringing of the phone, waiting for a bus or a cab, or switching to the tv set. Your addiction is a’program’ which you’ve written on your subconscious mind and correlated with such clues. As the clues happen, your urge to smoke pops up, also. The next time you need to smoke when the phone rings, as you drink a cup of coffee, or once you switch on the TV, make the conscious decision to watch for a few minutes till you have enough time or chance to smoke consciously. Another suggestion would be to smoke somewhere in the home or garden where you typically don’t smoke. This will sever the ties to your subconscious and make your choice whether to smoke or not a conscious one.

    Allow your urge to smoke to become very strong before you reach for the cigarette; Quite simply, you will still have the freedom to smoke but postpone your choice for some time until you feel the distress. Notice where in your body you’re feeling stressed, nervous or irritable. It’s very important to feel how strong your urge to smoke becomes until you light up. Most smokers give in the slightest urge to smoke and do not even notice when they illuminate. You need to break the routine of doing things unconsciously.

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    A healthy tip

    To make it easier to stop smoking (or another dependence ), drink half a glass (or more) of water (at room temperature) until you decide to smoke a cigarette every time you have the desire to smoke. Physically speaking, the need to smoke is directly connected to toxins which were deposited in the connective tissues of the body and are currently going into the blood, raising blood depth.

    The thickening of blood normally causes irritation, nervousness and anxiety, even panic. Rather than pushing back the toxins into the connective tissues (since they’ll certainly reemerge) drinking a glass of water will make your blood thinner, which helps remove the toxins from the body. Thus, the impulse to smoke lessens every time you do this and finally disappears altogether. Finally, your addiction to smoking isn’t something terrible that you will need to eliminate.

    It’s rather a chance to train to become the master of your destiny. In this sense, your dependence can become one of the best teachers you’ve ever had.

    What to do?

    • Whenever you feel the need to smoke, then repeat to yourself: “I wish to smoke today.” This will bring your urge to smoke out of your subconscious in your conscious mind and enable you enough time to make the conscious decision of whether to smoke or not to smoke. Drinking half a glass of water also brings the urge into your conscious mind.
    • Then say to yourself: “I have the free choice to smoke today.” If you don’t remind yourself of your inherent liberty of making decisions, your subconscious, hooked mind might believe that you can not smoke anymore and might go into a state of rebellion. This may lead to withdrawal symptoms.
    • If you’re feeling a dire need to smoke, admit your desire by stating: “I choose to start smoking again.” Before you reach for a cigarette check if this is what you really desire. Or you might repeat to yourself:”For the moment I accept that I wish to smoke, but I choose not to at this moment.” Consider how you’d feel if you quit smoking completely.


    Follow this simple sequence each time you have the urge to smoke. The technique is fool proof as you can’t go wrong, whatever the outcome. Whether you choose to continue smoking or not, you’ve started to become’conscious’ and exercised your free will – a necessity to consciously taking control of your life. Nearly all people who follow this very simple app give up smoking within a week, others take a little longer. How long it takes to stop isn’t important. What is crucial, however, is that you experience a significant positive change in your thinking and in your attitude towards yourself and others.

    All the research studies that show that smoking is a hazard to your health have missed the point. Rather than condemning people who smoke, we must show them ways to learn from this addictive habit as we could learn from any other problem in life. This technique works equally well for any other addiction, such as alcohol, coffee, medications, sleeping pills, sugar, salt, sex, and even work. I recommend that you read this section as often as required to get accustomed to the significant points, or at least once weekly.


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