    InícioCuidados com a peleO que é a Acne Novamente?

    O que é a Acne Novamente?

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    Acne is a skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, including teenagers and adults. Acne can be very disfiguring and can lead to permanent scarring if it is not treated correctly. Acne occurs when the sebum oil glands produce too much. Sebum is an oil that is secreted to protect skin. However, if there is an over production of it, it can build up on the skin and trap dirt or bacteria.

    Clog pores

    This can then clog pores. The body’s defense mechanisms will attempt to fight the bacterial infection and remove foreign matter from the skin. This is known as acne pimples. People are turning to natural treatments to treat various diseases, including acne. This could be due to the increase in side effects associated with most drugs and pharmaceuticals. It is possible that the chemicals they contain can cause more damage to your skin over time than good.

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    Natural products, on the other hand, are safer and easier to use, with a lower chance of side effects. Here are some home remedies that can quickly get rid of your acne. Before you start to learn about the home remedies, you should know that good hygiene and healthy eating habits are essential to keeping acne away. Prevention is always better than cure.


    Castor oils are a home remedy that can be used to treat acne and other conditions. Use your fingertips to apply a small amount of the oil to the skin. For best results, let it sit overnight and then rinse off well the next morning.

    Garlic has many anti-bacterial properties which will kill acne-causing bacteria. Gently rub a clove of garlic on the affected areas. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water and dry with a towel. Garlic has a terrible odor, which is the only problem. It is not clear why this works.

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