    HomeHome RemedyHow to deal with Headaches?

    How to deal with Headaches?

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    Who among us hasn’t experienced headaches? A headache can be described as a pain that occurs anywhere in the head. Sometimes they can be felt on both sides of your head. Other times, the headache is only felt in one area of your head. Sometimes, a wave of pain may start at one point on the head and spread to the entire head.

    About Pain

    • A sharp, piercing pain.
    • A dull, persistent, and throbbing sensation.
    • A sudden or gradual pain.

    A headache is not a sign of a disease, but a symptom that is indicative of psychological or physiological problems. Although there could be many reasons for a headache, the most common are two.

    Tension Headaches

    Tension-oriented headaches were the most common type of headache. Seventy percent of people suffered from them. This happens in both men and women. However, adults, especially older people, are more susceptible to this type of headache. A painful stimulus can cause the neck and head muscles to contract in a way that causes them to contract. This type of headache is caused by any kind of stress.However, chronic headaches that last for a long time will be more common.


    Migraine is a condition that affects around 20% of the population. It is not known what causes migraine. Migraine is a severe headache that causes pain on one side of the head and a general feeling of sickness. Migraine symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and intolerance to light and sound. Certain foods can also increase migraine pain.


    Pressure can be applied to pressure points, such as the area where your thumb and index fingers connect. This will reduce all types of pain. It’s amazing how much more comfortable you feel when you press the finger against your head. Slowly pull a hair from your nape. Next, continue to pull more hair with your fist towards the scalp. To pull a lot of hair, use both your fists. Continue pulling for three seconds, then release the pressure. Next, repeat the process at the back of your ear. This will reduce the pain for about ten minutes.

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    • The treatment options for headaches are hot and cold. You can either take a hot shower or use a hot water bottle to massage your scalp. If you prefer a cold solution, you can also use heating pads. Ice packs can be used to reduce your headaches and to nourish your skin.
    • Alternative healing methods such as work outs have been proven to be very effective in relieving muscular and skeletal pains. You can also use stretch work outs to quickly relieve your headaches. You can get rid of headaches in twenty minutes by doing this twice daily. Alternately, hold and release the stretch for five minutes each. A single stretch can be repeated up to three times per session.
    • Although it may sound absurd, foot bathing can relieve headaches. A hot water basin in which your feet are immersed for sufficient time will draw blood to your lower body and release tension in your forehead blood vessels.
    • The body needs oxygen to function properly. This oxygen can help reduce headaches. Deep breathing can be used to relieve headaches. You can inhale or exhale with deep breaths a few times per day.
    • Research has shown that regular aerobic exercise can reduce migraines and other headaches. These include swimming, cycling, or simply walking a few miles.
    • Deep thought or meditative states are when you feel no pain. Your mind is focused on a single point and you can’t get distracted. Meditation is known to have a significant effect on pain relief.
    • Rubbing your feet relieves pain and relaxes the body. To reduce stress, pressure points on your soles will trigger the pain zones. This technique is more effective for children. You can either rub your feet yourself, or ask someone to give your feet a gentle massage.
    • Peppermint tea is a great home remedy for headaches. The best way to relieve migraine headaches is to drink peppermint tea. You can also use the peppermint oil to instantly relieve the pain by pressing the peppermint tea bags directly on the area.
    • Lavender oil can be used as an essential oil. A few drops of lavender oil will release steam that contains lavender aroma. This will soothe your headaches.Massage the oil onto the forehead. This oil should not be taken orally.
    • Drinking caffeine helps reduce the swelling of blood vessels, which can help with headaches. One of the leading causes of headaches is withdrawal of caffeine. If you feel pain in your forehead, drink a cup of coffee or tea.
    • A cinnamon and sugar solution is a good home remedy for headaches. Make a powder of cinnamon by grinding a few pieces. Take a few drops of cinnamon and grind it to a powder. Once you have snorted the fumes, place the cinnamon sugar solution in a zip-lock bag.
    • The 3 fatty acids will reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure. They also inhibit blood clotting. This overall physiology will eventually lessen stress on the head and help to treat headaches.
    • Apple cider vinegar and apple cider vinegar balance pH. This balances the body pH and relieves tension headaches. Green apple aroma also helps to reduce headaches. Combine four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup boiling water to get the aroma.
    • Ginger root is a powerful home remedy due to its therapeutic properties. The body produces prostaglandin which reduces the pain. Add three to four quarter-sized ginger root slices to a cup of water. To preserve the flavor, keep the cup sealed. This amazing remedy will provide immediate relief.
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    Headache is not a sign of a disease. It could be a sign that there is an underlying condition or a symptom of physiological or environmental stress. Headaches are usually treated with massages, exercises, reflexive treatment, and other pressure techniques. However, there are many edibles and aromatic items that can be used to treat them. For severe headaches, try home remedies and simple therapies to relieve the pain.


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